
If that's how you wanna keep seeing it, then its fine.

Read the comment again. What I am saying is what a lot of people, including people like James Cameron have said about the academy and those who think the Oscar nominations are about "excellence in film". It isn't. It's about politics and the Academy wanting to move "conversations forward". Specially when Republicans

The whole thing is becoming a show that equates quality with movies that practically no one outside few people on the coasts watch. Moonlight has barely made 20-million. Mostly because African Americans, largely Christian, don't care for another movie about black people dealing drugs. That it was about a homo drug

She likes Elvis Costello, who called Ray Charles and James Brown the N-word and likes Godard, who is an anti-Semite. So we know she doesn't have a problem with racism and antisemitism. (and here I'm taking applauding/not applauding/praising someone, as a proof of fact).

If it was Polanski she would've been giving him a standing ovation like Streep did.

Something tells me most of the people who hate on Gibson are like Meryl Streep: profess to care about right and wrong, but when it's their favorites (see Polanski) they'll jump up and applaud.

I do. But I've never had such a bond to a fictional character as to become unsettled or demoralized.

"Now that Donald Trump is president and approximately half the country
lives in a state of heightened terror, the idea of Captain America being
a Nazi and infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. will be, for many, simply
dispiriting, unsettling, and too close to home to be fun. It’s
demoralizing. It’s a very sad and upsetting

Isn't watching 20th Century Women a punishment enough?

That's what they said about Star Wars after the prequels, and people are watching that sh*t still. Never say never.

“Anybody can be a father or a husband. There are only five people in the world who can do what I do, and I’m going for that” – Linda Hamilton, quoting her ex-husband, director James Cameron.

Terminator: Revolution. Bet on it.

There's a new theory it wasn't the iceberg that did it, but fire. Imagine the possibilities.

Have any journalists confronted Obama with the weapon-sales that are used against hospitals in Yemen, or his support for the Egyptian regime that massacred between 1000-2000 people in 2013? Liberal journalists are as much in the tank for powerful as Fox News. And anything involving sex is apparently worse than

Why not both?

No they have not.

Jones is a terrible actress and was (not surprisingly) one of the worst things about Rogue One.

They lost me with Rihanna. I PAID to see Battleship. She was worse than the movie.

Louder than bombs and Toni Erdmann are two of the shittiest movies of the year. But it's foreign, so the shittiness MUST be profound. I watched the previous film of the director to LtB, Reprise, and it's as shitty as his last. Robert McKee was right. European filmmakers have mostly lost the art of telling good stories.

I say Disney paid for this review.