
99 homes.

He's not a rapist, and his tormentor, Ari Emanuel is palling around with the man who called Mexicans rapists, wants to ban Muslims and grabs women you know where.

Look at my original post. Like Bernie Sanders, it doesn't matter if you put a character from the rust belt in a film if you're not talking about the issues that rust belt people are dealing with. My issue with Hollywood is that they play the identity politics, without actually giving a damn about the issues. Again,

Every time someone mentions Mel Gibson's past, they should follow it up with how Ari Emanuel, the man who started the witch hunt on him, is sucking up to Trump.

Your comment reeks of the disdain you have for how common people speak. You should take Orwell's advice and stop being so disdainful of hardworking people that have been screwed over by the banks.

I did. I just can't help if you want to assumed I was referring to when the play was made. I'm no computer expert, but I can google sh*t

Hollywood doesn't care about blacks or black movies, not until it can use them as tokens.

I'm not referring to when it was made, but the kind of movies about black characters that Hollywood obsesses about.

To use a leftist argument: That's like saying racism doesn't exist because people don't say the n-word as much to black people. Filmmakers, like all people, know what's cool around the water cooler. Making movies about white working class/poor is not.
It's in the environment.

That's so 90s. The only thing that counts now is female-empowerment and getting a homosexual character in everything. Get with the program.

That was before the left made representation a thing. I'm not white, but if leftist critics and twitter warriors can scrutinize movies for who they represent and how, then its about time working class/poor should also be a class that should see themselves on screen. After all, its only fair.

So many of these movies are bubble-movies, meant for audiences on the coasts. Hipster musical without good dancing, hood-movie with a homosexual drug-dealer and on and on. Only Hell or High Water seem to actually take the pulse of the country right now. No wonder Trump won.

You can shut your ears and scream lalalala. But it won't change the fact that illiberal liberals are the greatest threat to freedom of speech in America right now.

I've done my part and led the horse to the water. Can't force it to drink it.

You don't have to go back fifty years to find Conservatives/Republican's who have done or advocated for nasty stuff. But there's a difference now: These kids are the most privileged in history and are meeting almost no resistance from professors and administrators. What's even worse is that liberals so dominate

I've already provided a link to someone else. Get out of that suffocating leftist bubble of yours.

Listen to Jonathan Haidt and Sam Harris' conversation on Youtube. It's a 22 minute long clip about this very issue.

People had those opinions, but millenials are DOING something about it on campuses all over America. Reputable people, academics are afraid to say something wrong for fear of getting on the path of these "kids". And all of these kids are doing it because of a twisted sense of social justice.

About 40% of millenials want the government to ban offensive speech. Look at what's taking place in America's campuses.

By the way things are going, the illiberal left will soon turn America into China.