
Watch the same people who usually cry "boycott" every time a highflying musician or filmmaker is accused of sexual violence, contort themselves into embracing the art v the artist argument NOW.

Serial Killers have given people with three names a bad name.

What do you have against wasting other people's money?

Lol. Likewise.

They are. And not only for women, but for men too. No tax, well paid government jobs, a free luxury car. Free education. And servants from poor countries working for you for almost nothing. What a hell!

No. Blasphemy has arguably been a bigger motivator for human action.

This is why liberals in the US are so useless. The ones in Europe aren't much better, but they still have the revolutionary spirit and honesty to not run from their creations. They take pride in them.

Insult me all you want. But leave the cockroaches alone!

And become a good liberal? What's the FUN in that?

Wow. Dense, are we?

I think you're mistaking me for a liberal. Most people aren't confused about what consent is, or what constitutes rape or a rapist. It's just liberals who are.

California says you're a bad liberal. You should ALWAYS get VERBAL consent. Not just before, but during the act, and before every move.

Yes. That's what I'm doing.

I was about to write a sensible answer. Then I read the "rape culture" part and decided there wasn't a point to it. I have no desire to engage with people who use ridiculous buzz-words. Specially one who's an admitted rapist. That's just wrong.

That's not much of an argument. California is the epitome of liberalism. What it says and how it thinks about this issue informs liberals. California says you have to have consent all the way. Or you're rapist. So by making it seem as if consent is a one-time thing, you're on shaky ground buddy. Watch out or the

Actually it has to be if you wanna listen to leftists. Watch the "Consent is sexy" video from California. Every touch. Every in. Every out. All the way. Or you're rapist.

I recommend you read my post. No means no. But I'm not gonna ask for a yes before for every move I make.

That's because you're square. And square people can't believe there is any other way to live than the square way they live.

I do. I tell people to lock their homes and cars. I tell friends that guns in the home are more likely to hurt them than an intruder. And through my work I help at risk young people with staying out of trouble (gangs and such). I've yet to hear from any of them that I'm blaming them by telling them sensible things.

Yeah. But that's the most fun people on earth.