
Have you seen the little video they made out in California? It IS like a form. And if you aren't asking for that kind of consent you're rapist! You have to ask consent for EVERY STEP.

I've never had to ask. But whenever I've gotten a no I've backed of. It's easy really. Constant verbal consent takes the fun and spontaneity out of hook-ups. And what's the fun in that?

You think all men are rapists?

Keep telling girls that. YOU will feel good about being a perfect liberal, meanwhile rapist will rape. Guess who? The easies victims available; drunk girls.

I've attended thousands of parties, hooked up with my fair share of girls, talked with friends about sex and relationship and I've yet to meet ONE single guy who wasn't a teen who went home with a girl and asked; "Can I kiss you?" Or "Can I have a sex with you?". It's something that happens without verbal cues. The

I was about to lecture you on what MOST means. But then I saw Tarantino and Pebbles on your list. That's some punchline.

James Cameron is better than most of your favorites.

You're racist and are against diversity if you don't support this remake.

Yeah. But that one we know has a mysogynistic roots.

I was serious. And I know the meaning is this way today. But I was interested in HOW it became so. I've heard both ways, like "Her ass is sweet as candy" and also used in the way Rock is using it. But I find the history behind it interesting.

I'm not from an English-speaking country, so the thing I'm most interesting in knowing is this: How did CANDY, something tasting sweet, become synonymous with weak? Or in any way or shape something descriptive of the rear?

Her words are my point. I can't force you if you don't want to see it.

Hey! Why you alway blame why guy. Dis no faih.

And along with it the career of Effy Brown.

My hands won't let me type it.

"You are. Yes, YOU ARE. YES, YOU ARE. Yes, dude, you fucking ARE!"

Even when they are right, self-righteous a**es like this actress bug me like hell.

Come on. American's made TFA a domestic champion. And even its creator calls it a regurgitation of past films. People SAY they don't want regurgitation, but they pay good money every weekend to see the same four or five films. As they say in Hollywood; Give me the same, only different.

Trash according to who? And what criteria? Cameron's got the review, he's got the awards, and he's got the money even for the movies some call "trash". Unless critics don't matter, and awards don't matter, and audience making your movies popular around the globe doesn't matter.

Star Wars, despite its cultural hold in North America and Europe, hasn't topped the first one at the box office adjusted for inflation. So one could argue Avatar doesn't need to either. If it makes 1 billion it'll be more successfull than Deadpool, that everyone is harping about. And Avatar wasn't a known IP.