
Yet it got more Oscar nominations than the latest Star Wars. Including Best Picture and Director. How little must the academy have thought of the characters in TFA to not even nominate the movie and its "genius" director's work? Hmm

Or Elizabeth Warren. She's native.

We can't even agree on how it happened here. Baby steps.

The same people who say these things about James Cameron are the people who said Charles Dickens was not literature. Or that Stephen King is trash. At some point one must just look at the popularity of the work and the impact it has had on the industry.

James Cameron is not everybody else. And the CGI in his movies isn't just as good. He takes what's there and takes it to another level. He's done it before, and he'll probably do it again.

Because he's the king of the world and only stupid people would say sh** like this to James Cameron. Signed, the world.

The lady was into astrology and made a thing in the White House. In some quarters that's seen as rather inquisitive.

So Avatar is like drugs and you're Nancy Reagan?

Not if Sony can help it.

You like Oscar-nominated movies?

What is upvotes?

It's so judgemental of you just to think in the he/she binary. Where's "hen"? They are out there you know.

Yes. To those who get it. Not people who need jokes explained to them.

Explain to me where how human beings NEED blockbuster movies. Not, it's a nice thing to have, but NEED.

It's an almost a decade old joke. It WOULD be unfunny.

It's called Inception. Some people dig it.

After Titanic and Avatar one would think people have learned NOT to underestimate James Cameron. He's not JJ Abrams or James Gunn or one of these assembly-line directors. He's James f***** Cameron. And he makes killer movies, and killer sequels.

Weaver is there. Somebody will probably ask how she'll return. Nothing strange about that.

I honestly haven't heard or read anyone use "PC" about a computer in a long time. Almost chuckled. Thanks for reminding us.

Unlike Star Wars 7, 8, 9, ……….. Cameron actually has something to say, and WILL say it.