
That sentiment is what got him elected.

And his voters in Middle America will applaud. Rightly.

All the cultural cache didn't help Star Wars get best picture and director nominations. Nor topple Avatar's box office. It's the movie business, not cultural footprint business. And even if it flops I'm pretty certain it'll make more than any other movie that Fox has ever made that wasn't directed by Cameron.

Not so bold prediction: The four avatar movies will make at least 2 billion between them and earn a decent number of Oscar nominations/wins. And James Cameron will remain the boldest blockbuster director in Hollywood.


This is just a rumor. As far as I can tell this is what he WISHES, not what they'll do.

Liking shitty movies is not a crime. So you don't have to try to justify yourself to me as hard as you're trying. You like what you like.

It's a horror film with no memorable . And horror movies are full of monsters audiences fear and at the same time root for. The alien is the star of alien. Its how it is in this kind of movies. At least in most horror. There are few exceptions where writers and directors bother to give us characters we can care about.

The problem is that one does't give a damn about the survival of any of these people. Even Ripley. Aliens on the other hand made people care about its characters.

The characters are barely sketches. Had Scott gotten his way and killed Ripley and made the alien talk, as he intended before Fox threatened to fire him if he did, this movie would've only been remembered for the chestbursterscene and the fact that it did what Jaws did and hid the monster. The rest can only be admired

The characters in Aliens, like them or not, at least are memorable and make you care. In Alien Scott can't even make you care about Ripley. But the movie looks pretty and techwise it's well done. Personally I prefer films with soul and characters that elicit emotions. Good or bad. James Cameron is the first and last

Everything worth caring about in this franchise is from Aliens. Ripley is better. The script is better. The characters are better, more memorable and actually worth caring about. And the special effects hold up even 30+ years later.

Oh. To suck so much. 4.8 billion and 23 Oscar nominations and 14 wins.

There's only one man who can make this franchise great again. And his name isn't Ridley Scott.

People ate crap like TFA. So why wouldn't people want to see the follow up to the most successful blockbuster ever by the most daring director in Hollywood?

Once you accept being homophobic is a bad thing, you've already lost.

She isn't my cup of tea. But the protestors are worse.

Some people are wired that way. They see someone who redefines his craft and can't take it. Specially if it's someone like Cameron, who dares go where other filmmakers haven't and still makes bank.

Who the f*** recalls the characters of most of these movies some people seem to eat up like it was made of rainbows? I don't have a problem with people who love fluffy stuff. But I can't stand people who seem to think the only mark of a great movie is if grown ups dress up like children or remember character names. It

It's necessary. But what's the point of making a comment devoid of cheap shots? What would I write!