
They're not Boxing Helena because they wouldn't have the mass denial and cognitive dissonance necessary to perpetuate their system. Privilege and desperation are blinding, but it would be exceedingly difficult to get any significant amount of people to rationalize using amputated and/or comatose women as breeding

"It's not like they took out her pituitary gland or something; the clitoris is not where desire stems from and is certainly not where love or attraction stems from."

The particicution scene is designed to confuse, especially following so quickly after the Red Center/Janine scene, because in the latter the handmaids are forced to blame the victim, but in the former they were "allowed" to judge and kill the perpetrator of a crime that should have been the victim's fault, no? Rape

I was so disappointed that Jasper was chipped, especially since I campaigned so hard against it last week, but damn if his scenes this episode didn't give me chills! And make me laugh bitterly ("Death by Clarke" lol). Also, how many cliffhanger deaths did we get? Like 6? That's nuts! I'm really looking forward to

Yes, at some point there has to be a reveal as to why ALIE knows about Sinclair, but it doesn't have to be that someone is chipped and I don't think it is that. For starters, why would ALIE know, but not Jaha? Information seems to be shared amongst all the minds in the CoL so Jaha should have known. Also, I think the

It might seem like what Raven did was brash and fruitless(and as far as the characters are concerned atm it was), but I distinctly heard ALIE tell Jaha that "the migration is nearly complete" during one of the early scenes in the temple room (Edit: it was in the CoL right after the prisoners break free and right

True lol

Good point. I did notice that ALIE was still in the room when everyone was apparently dead, but I wasn't so sure that Derrick was dead yet. I'll have to rewatch.

I am pretty sure that living under a floorboard with the fear that any sound could get you and your family floated would mean that she's been fighting all her life, for her life. Becoming a warrior did give her agency, but only over the anger and resentfulness and fear she has felt her whole life. She hasn't been able

Besides a nightblood transfusion, where do you propose they get the raw materials for a substance that alters genetics and make/perfect it in a few days?

But Luna was already defined as someone who ran away by Titus and her role this season was introduced by the intimate moment between Clarke and Lexa. Having her initial characterization be defined by these earlier moments and continuing the emotional beats with established characters does not detract from her then

That would be a pretty spectacular performance from someone who no longer remembered his kids. Having ALIE command a performance like that due to giving him back all of his pain without also extracting more vital information than "Sinclair died" or not getting the chip, seems kinda pointless even for an unfeeling AI.

What possible motive would ALIE have to have Jasper chained up in a room full of people he doesn't know and who don't know him? Making Luna take the chip seems to be the goal of that scene and Jasper would have no skin in that game. Luna doesn't know any more than he does (actually much less) and if Jasper was chipped

I absolutely agree re:Jasper grieving. We've watched him grieve and spin out all season so did we really need that scene of him outside the trading post when that time could have been Clarke taking a well-deserved private moment to let out something more than a quickly stifled sob? While I appreciate that Clarke's

Yes! Even with dibs, I would've noped Eugene as soon as I saw the lead- foil hat. At least handed him the freaking rebar and taught him a lesson in teamwork. But instead Eugene got to be a useless hostage, Abraham got to be a deus ex machina (and get the girl he pestered while being a massive asshole to another girl)

How about you pull those numbers (not absolute, but percentages) and get back to us? For shits and giggles how about you compare deaths that actually move the plot forward or are fitting for the character? Next step is compiling the actual happy endings for LGBT women (much less lesbian main characters). I wish you

If you had characters DO things that reflect their character instead of constantly bounce off Rick, then we could have more tight episodes. For example, showing Michonne with her de-limbed, de-jawed protection was enough to get fans on board. Her bad-assery with her swords solidified it. Another example was Carol's

But we've already established that some lives are more precious than others. The main cast in particular. Having main characters who have survived this long acquiesce to a meek character with skills beyond hacking and slashing and then just letting her wander is a stupid, lazy writing move, especially when this

They could have captured some Z's (Michonne might have done more this season for this) and brought them in for tactical training. If you have a relatively secure location, resources and trained people then weapons training is NBD. We saw them doing it a couple episodes ago. Sure, she had other issues to work through,

I was thinking the same re: Eugene and Abraham. Which is why I thought that Abraham was going to meet his comic-canon demise this ep instead of the typical dead lesbian. Their banter is gold, but it won't be for long and as it went on I was more and more sure that Abe was going to get the arrow in the eye. Of course,