
So appealing to humanity is monstrous, trying to leave or protest a horrible situatiin is punishable by burning (or worse) and trading sex for survival is "volunteering?" Well, I know who to avoid in the apocalypse, now. You're disgusting.

Sure, he can say he is taking all the risk of clearing zombies, but he is not taking the risk of trying to actually live, not just survive, in this world. He is the medieval lord demanding that his starving peasant subjects give 90% (or whatever) of their labor to him in order to be "protected" from an outside threat

But hasn't the "make a safe haven so less killing will be required later on" been the story arc for nearly every season so far? Can you not see how wearing that would be on every character when it just keeps happening and no one is safe no matter how many people you kill (including children, flu victims and those who,