
Marie will totally lose her mind if she finds out one can name a favorite shade of color after one's self.

Agreed. And Jimmy wouldn't have insisted he take off his space blanket last week if he truly had a physical medical condition. He'll humor him to a point, but….

Are we that far back in time? I assumed he had been a teacher for at least 20 years?

Though, we did get mini-binges what with all of the repeat airing of the episodes on AMC.
Showing 1-2 before 3 was actually a great plan on AMC's part, as far as getting people hooked, and twisting the hook in deeper for those that were already hooked last week. This technique only works, of course, because the show

Also, it mattered when it came to character development. Watching Skylar's moral superiority crash and burn…

This. And trying to start up a business with business cards, stationary, etc. instead of matchbooks, and an office instead of a closet.

She's still posting…why is she still posting?

I could be totally wrong, but I get the feeling he did one or more of his summer internships there. He's just so familiar with everyone.


Sorry, I didn't go back right away and read your earlier comment that put Chuck at 67. Again, I don't think he looks the actor's age. I would have put him in his mid-to-late 50's, where a span of 20 years is definitely biologically possible. Not that a larger span isn't possible too.
But our clues about Chuck's age

I have a friend who is the youngest of 8 and is 24 years younger than the oldest. Same parents. Another friend who is 20 years younger and is the child of a different father (same mother). My mom had me at 37 and biologically could have had a first child at 12 or 13 or even younger (thankfully, she didn't).

Hopefully no one walks in on this thread and misunderstands, "The sex offender thing is tantalizing…"

I like it!

My grandpa lived in the Pine Barrens. I didn't find any bodies when I was digging around in the sand in his yard, looking for my lost matchbox car. I did get lost in his neighborhood once when I was 3 years old, though, and GOT INTO SOME STRANGERS' CAR to drive around and look for his house. Suprisingly, they did

Ok, so it was probably Saul's secretary, but for puposes of the robot voice joke from the OP, it was Saul. Even better if he used it on the DEA instead of warning Hank directly.

No, I think you are both right.

I think the Kettlemen brood would have left a pretty good trail in their wake. Dragging kids at night, and in a rush? Plus the path was obviously a well-worn path, at least at first, so he wasn't really being random in choosing a direction. OR in looking for a sheltered place where someone would hide a tent and

Another reason to suspect his wife is holding the reins.

Don't forget that hilarious montage from episode 2.
"He wrote a book!"
I was rolling through that. Great comedic timing from Odenkirk.

I thought you were referring to that awesome gigantic 80's looking cellphone Chuck checked in at the Chicago jail. That was a great clue we were headed for a flashback before we got an eyefull of that fab mullet.