
Yeah, but it was also delightful how comparatively restrained Tuco was here too. He probably hasn't started sampling the merchandise yet. What made it fun, having seen BB, was that at first we were like, "oh shit, its TUCO!", but then our perceptions were challenged. In my mind, BB Tuco would have had a bump of

I agree it is confusing. In the first episode I thought Chuck was his dad. But I'm guessing they know we are confused, are probably counting on our being confused, and will reveal the explanation at a later date. Its another way to keep us engaged, which I rather enjoy!

Why does everyone think Jimmy is in his 50's now just because the actor is? I think he looks pretty young for his age, especially with makeup/hair color/whatever special effects. Maybe I'm just getting old, or maybe my tv sucks, but I figured he was supposed to be mid-to-late 30's here, mid-to-late 40's in BB, and

But also curious given he was a cop in PA. I'm looking forward to his backstory as well.

That's what I thought until they showed scenes from next week…Nacho is not lookin' too happy there.

Nobody knows what it means! It appears Jimmy made up a new term for something slightly less onerous than your everyday, run-of-the-mill-type sex offense.

Keep in mind that the UD definition was added after the episode tonight…could be someone is having huge laugh over how we've all pretty nonchalantly accepted their bogus definition.
I'll take it though. Beats anything I would have guessed Jimmy was doing.

Yeah, but the truth was a lot less disturbing than what I actually suspected of our pal Jimmy, so I'm definitely glad I looked it up!

Haha, that would be a neat trick!

Good to know, thanks! Its my first time on this site, so I'm a little out of the loop. I got here by googling "Chicago sunroof" (before someone posted on Urban Dictionary), lol. This was a good article, so I'll definitely check back in sometime to read future reviews.

I didn't mean a regular cameo, I meant a stupid one designed to be a joke on the fans. Sorry if I bored you.

How awesome would it be if they had a cameo of Cranston doing something totally mundane like sitting at a red light in the car next to Saul's, picking his nose? A meaningless little red herring that all the BB junkies (myself included) would obsess over for days…

And video of him performing a "Chicago sunroof"!

Oh, haha. I'm dumb. Still, it is a solid review. Don't find those every day on the interwebs!

Nice job! This is such a great, well thought-out review. You hit on every twist, turn, and joke that I enjoyed from the episode. I have to ask: How on earth did you put it together so quickly? It would have taken at least an hour for me to write up the synopsis and I probably would have forgotten half of the