
If they want to be proper evil, they can goldify enough stuff to flood the market and screw up the economy.

Wales and England are on the same landmass. (As is Scotland.) And a quick glance at wikipedia confirms that neither of them were born on the Isle of Skye or Orkney or whatever.

Horrible. Utterly, unredeemably horrible. Horrible in a way that is tainting my opinion of Billy Crystal.

IMO, the AVC has been a touch harsh on S2—but I was never holding this to any higher standard than "popcorn TV" a la Psych. Give me some Abbie/Ichabod banter and a monster to fight and I"m happy enough, though I'll certainly admit we've taken a step down from the potential we saw in season 1.

Honestly, I think it's just that it's just fun to watch any historical figure get decapitated by the horseman. Franklin, Washington, Lincoln, FDR, JFK, Patton—heck, he can even start decapitating other people's historical figures like Stalin or Churchill.


Not sure if it's been mentioned here, but it did come up on another board I frequent. I don't think it's got legs, other than from a character economy perspective.

Agreed. Nice little payoff on sowing those seeds earlier in the season.

I don't recall getting that vibe off of him before, but I DEFINITELY did this time.

I appreciate them going ahead and hanging a lampshade on KGB wig technology, since we spent the entire first season talking about it.

So when did Larrick put the tracker on Jared's backpack? Or is that just chalked up to Larrick's special ability vs. anything KGB?

Filmed in NYC, and you know what this last winter was like. Last week was worse, with Larrick asking about the cherry blossoms in one scene, then Gaad and Arkady on a snow-covered street the next. I don't think there's much to be done, save getting DC to give them a better deal so they can film on location.

I don't see him winding up dead, but I do see him winding up disgraced, possibly in prison. More tragic. I don't really know if I see happy endings for any of the pawns in this series—Gaad and Arkady will do fine; Oleg, like everyone else says, winds up an oligarch at his folks' dacha in the Crimea. Stan, Phil, Liz…

I'd be totally down for a Gaad/Arkady spinoff.

Indeed. While I'm solidly on Team Jennings, I'm going to miss Larrick when he's gone—like Claudia and Gregory, he brings a lot to the series.

Probably when he was having gay sex outside the gay club. (Also, they mentioned it before that.)

Though even today, you've got Russian communist activists who'll tote around Stalin's-face-on-a-stick signs. Russia's weird.

I'm also not at all convinced that we needn't fear a sexual assault just because Larrick's gay. I've heard more times than I can recall that rape is primarily violent rather than sexual, and Larrick seems to have a legitimate sadistic streak in him. If he couldn't… convince himself to perform, physically, there are

Sonar is not radar; sound waves, electromagnetic waves. The geometry *may* affect batty echolocation; the RAM should have no effect. I suspect even the geometry won't play much of a role—it's probably driven by the specific wavelengths of radar. Not enough of a physicist to say for sure.

Had that thought as well. You have to figure it won't be long before someone shows up…