
What, you're saying you didn't collect US Diplomat trading cards as a kid?

Nina is hard to read (he says, winning the understatement of the thread award), but I'm getting that feeling as well. I guess we'll see.

The best lies and the best acting always have a core of truth…

The "Swedish Intelligence" cover is what reminded me of who Annalise was—with no offense meant to our Scandinavian friends, it has to be the most ridiculous cover ever.

Also: turns into a screaming, glassware-hurling, floor lamp-jousting psychotic afterwards.

Oh sure, I know that. I just can't draw a line from snagging the KGB switchboard to killing absolutely everyone w/ the hint of a Russian accent in the greater DC metro area.

I was actually thinking about how it doesn't seem like we've gotten the same bumper crop of great 80s tunes this season, and then that came on. Seemed ok, and was 80s enough to pass.

Added to the pile. Thanks for the tip!

I demand at least one Arkady/Gaad scene per episode. I never realized how much I wanted to see those two on screen with each other until the show gave it to me.

Better a pothead than a jesus freak, man.

So, worst poison mist CGI ever, amirite? I guess CGI is not something they do a lot of on this show, though, so it kinda makes sense they wouldn't be masters of it.

More or less, though I'm not sure exactly what the heck he expected to come out of giving them the goods on the training camp. The show hasn't really told us what's going on in his head on that one. IIRC, this was also supposed to be the end for him as an asset—he bargained for that when that nitwit of a Nicaraguan

Cut it some slack, man. Martial Eagle was an absolute standout piece of television, the kind of thing that people'd be talking about like Blackwater or the Red Wedding, if people actually had the sense to watch this damned show. The Americans is good, but even these guys can't bring it at *that* level every single

Arkady IS a straight gangsta. He needs to hang out in coffee shops more so he can bump into various folks on the American side.

Just had to upvote you for that.

Ok, I may have memory problems. In fact, I should probably go watch the first season again. I hear it's on some service named after a river in South America.

For shits and giggles, I just ran $600 through an inflation calculator. I'm not sure exactly what year we're in, so I picked '82. Comes out to nearly $1,500 in 2014 dollars. That is some serious scratch for a teenager.

I haven't gotten that vibe at all. No one's a saint, but I wouldn't call the Americans (I mean, the actual people on the side of America in the show, not The Americans the show) slimy.

Philip, however, would be pleased by this most recent proof that there is no just and loving God in this world.

Seriously. Honestly, where the fuck has Matthew Rhys been, and why is he not in absolutely every serious drama ever?