
Good *bye*, Joe!

pfft. Canada's not part of *my* North'merica.

Who let Joe Estevez in here?

Final page of this series:

Think of all the American-style cheese-like sauce amalgam you've missed.

For a blacksmith, he's pretty high-maintenance.

if you love Manos…

I still haven't seen a "See ______ early and for free" that seems to showcase a good movie. This feature seems more like a warning than an opportunity.

I don't even *own* an American Gladiator.

dibs on the "50% Bigger Nikolaj" login name.

Wherever you plant a DVD, a Blu-Ray tree will bloom.

because that would ruin the movie's "*legitimacy*"

I will take a PS4 controller with me to this. I will loudly click out street fighter combos until a god dies, and then I'll throw the controller into the aisle so hard that it shatters into a thousand pieces. "FUCK!" I shall say. "FUCK THIS GAME I QUIT". And then I storm out to applause.

Oooh, this sounds good! I hope there is inexplicable sexual tension between the veteran pitcher who looks like a used car salesman and the new rookie who just stepped off the catwalk and into a uniform. Then they could drag out the "will they, won't they - they totally will" for three seasons and then rely on


This is similar to the way things unfold for me when playing Fallout 4. I get a new quest, and a new spot on my map. Then I head out to it, hoping that by the time I get there I'll still have some bag space left for what I'll find inside, even though I never do.

Zzz… gotta go find uh…. zzz… another coffee cup… zzzz….

Cecil: …

A little story that keeps me from binge-gaming sometimes: This game introduced me to Final Fantasy. I must have played and beaten this game more than any other game in… ever. I basically had the whole thing memorized. I remember one day during summer break I decided to beat FFIV in one day. So I got up at 5:30

High Fidelity. Horrible Aim.