
I got a Kat Dennings notification for this??

…but was it PERFECT! …?

Hey guys, since Louis is super busy and doesn't like to concern himself with the same material two years in a row, I thought I'd give you a teaser-taste (tm - me) of Horace and Pete II

Superior to the little-seen mid-quel: Those Darn Avengers - a show about the Avengers' holiday during a weekend trip to Manhattan. They strayed from the formula, and paid the price.

I have a different perspective. Maybe it's Hollywood BS, but it's how I saw it:

Are you running out of hornets' nests to kick, Internet?

But… if they vaped, don't the lungs have a way of shutting that whole thing down?

I've asked this question before, but for a different person / subject.

Reading this post made me imagine (to my great delight) a Jesus who is not so much a spiritual being of light and love, but more of a headliner for the World Wrestling Federation. So, what I wanna know is: What Hair Metal song would Jesus use as

I am still gonna fast-forward through this part of the movie, Internet.

At least when her boyfriend beats you until you are little more than a sentient puddle, you can sue him.

Danger Mouse, but no Duckula?! Crum.

I'm gonna go ahead and blame it all on Elden Henson. I don't think I've ever seen him in a performance that wouldn't have been improved by adding a scene where he is repeatedly kneed in the balls. He's whiny, naggy, and just all around weepy-faced. I've hated seeing him in stuff ever since Idle Hands.

Moray: Eels

When I was in Jr. college, one of the required courses was a "Critical Thinking" class. It wasn't so much "taught" as it was lorded over by a dusty, crusty 68lb old crank named Ms. Ulna, who felt that no one - not even her peers - knew how to think. She would tell us as such every class, sneering at us as if we were

*Giant Marion in sexy negligee starts climbing the tower"


My Big Fat Gr22k W2dding

I've made a few new mods you should check out:

Hiram is on a wheat grass shake diet so now you are on a wheat grass shake diet

Hiram's ex-boyfriend just won a Tony Award and what are you doing with your life

Hiram enrolled in Jr College for a Theater degree in make-up artistry

Hiram spends a week not speaking to you

Such a lost opportunity. This could have easily been "My Bigger, Fatter, Greeker Wedding"

What he's saying is: he wants to be pistol-whipped.