
It's so nice of these two gentlemen to foot the bill for digging up all those buried Circuit Cities from that landfill in Arizona.

Fact: When I choose Peach in Smash, all of my friends bump up to their mains. Princess Peach is a badass.

I think I can see what this game is trying to do, but I couldn't bear to go through the aching inevitability of cancer in video game form.

I hope someone bought you a snickers bar sometime in the last 6 hours.

Just so you know - that article up above? TINA FEY IS TALKING ABOUT YOU.

The same place where education and children's well-being take precedent over next season's football roster.

By ridgedly going at it in a stiff, joyless missionary position, while each participant tried to get over their personal shame by thinking about all the chores they could make their new children do.

[Inappropriate sexy sax intensifies]


To each their own. Some people like watching their boobs clip through walls while traversing narrow ledges, and some people like conversing with a villager and then watching that same villager sit down and eat a single wedge of cheese with a dead-eyed stare for 6 real hours.

for those of you just tuning in: You missed a great opportunity to hit the "Collapse" button way back up there!

6ie Ha6d 6ix

It's all about the helicopter and the "weapons specialist" dual-wielding a couple of uzis.

Git gud at Photoshop, Internet.

"No." -actual quote from Abraham Lincoln, 3859 BC

…pillow biters?

Why zese guys troy to hort me, Internet?

It'll be ok. It's not like this is the first day I realized that the world is a fucked place. Besides, there are still cookies and ice cream, video games and good tv. Next week I'm headed to Yosemite. Life's good. I hope everybody who was shocked by this event tries to remember that.

If this is the thread where we talk about our feelings on the matter, I would just like to say that my habit upon getting to work in the morning is to take a look at the news. Half-awake, and looking to read/watch something until I was more alert, I accidentally clicked the first thing on the page which happened to

Jeez, AVClub - I thought this was supposed to be an apology. All I see is: "I'M A PIECE OF SHIT" over and over for about five paragraphs.