
*Bear walks out of a forest wearing only a t-shirt and ripped jeans*

"I'm in this cold and cruel forest with only the clothes on my back and an unwavering determination to make it out of here alive."
Fortunately, I've found this abandoned boat with a completely new tarp, a stick of flint, 37 cans of food, a

After reading your explanation in the original thread (I thought it had been deleted), I'd like to apologize for my comment above. I have a lot of anti-vaxxer friends on Facebook, and I guess I went a little knee-jerk after reading your post. Sorry, man.

This isn't my shit - but I swear I saw a post (apparently now deleted) from someone bitching about needing to move out of California before the next school semester starts because it is now mandatory to have your children vaccinated before they are allowed to attend. This person doesn't want to have his kids

Then let me say: Congratulations! You're one of the few people in the 21st Century to know what it feels like to dodge a friggin' cannon ball.

The only way this could get into deeper red flag territory is if her email was written as a bullet-point list of areas where you disappointed her in bed.

The wife and I are set to finish the second season of Supernatural Thursday night. We're saving the two-part finale for that night since we've both got Friday off, and we usually get home after 10.
After that, a combination of Batm4n and Witch3r.

I finished a surprise C# coding project in less than three hours last night. Got full points. Also I guess I'm losing weight because 3 people have commented on it so far today. It's more of a side benefit from trying to save money by making meals at home, but I'll take it!

They could put it in the Haunted Hotel. It's scary as hell now. (The statue, not the Haunted Hotel).

I tried online dating at Match. You know those people in TV and movies who are either so quirky or so horrible, you just *know* they only exist to push the plot forward through their inexplicably terrible personalities? Match showed me that those people actually exist.

I fit this scenario into the "Pretty damn convenient" category. Though it would be a bad idea, it would be still a little awesome if they tried a spin-off sense8 where the whole cluster is just a bunch of janitors.
*buckets and mops sloshing in time to the intro music*

Learning how to do things seriously cuts into High Life time.

I only have my totally awesome Indiana Jones-style "Sexy Archeologist" beard stubble. (tm)

Everyone hopes that their game will be a best seller. Could you share a story of any of the games you've worked on where there was a moment (before release) that you just *knew* the game would be a hit?

Great. Now I have dinosaur envy.

If you were a professional wrestler, what would your entrance music be?

*Every* man has enough substance to fuck a dinosaur. Whether they have enough to actually *pleasure* that dinosaur is a different matter.

The only thing I remember is that the rebel general always seemed to be chewing his cigar like a tootsie roll in his cut scenes.

Mmm hmm hmmm…
Ya gotta get bread,
Ya gotta get juice
Better get a water filter…
Ya gotta get limes
Ya gotta buy chips
Oh yeah and some salsa-A-a…
…god damn you, Albertson's radio.


What is a RealDoll - nothing but a miserable little pile of secrets!