
I can *smell* the CNN comments section on you.

They could have associated the arcade environment in the US with the pachinko environment in Japan. Here's the Wikipedia article on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…
Though gambling for money is illegal in Japan, this game is considered the exception, and since it just barely skirts the line, a lot of characters who

here have some chocolate and some cookie dough pleasedonthurtme.

Arkham Knight - Pre-ordered and days off planned. I've been hyping myself up watching gameplay videos and such. Though I have been thinking the same question for a while now - if I can zip around the city with my apparently magic cape and super-powered grapple, WTH do I need the Batmobile for? It's kinda like how I

Still working on Bloodborne. I just beat Rom for the first time last weekend. Of course then I found out that I got Eileen the Crow's quests all fucked up. So… new character #5! The upside of that is that I beat both Father Gascoigne and the Cleric Beast in one try each, and without a pit-stop in the Hunter's Dream.

What's wrong with him is that he believes everything that comes out of his own mouth.

I feel like you missed a rare opportunity to sport the word "Chineses" here. Pity.

tl;dw - we tried to play god and we fai-BLOODFORTHEBLOODGOD.