Mr. Sweet N Awful

It's an even grimmer ending than the musical/director's cut, too. The faces of each victim appearing in the flower blooms, instead of just little flytraps like the 80s version. Not only are Mushnick and Audrey spared, they, along with Seymor's own mother, have to witness the last flower bloom with Seymor's face

Awise, storms!
Norfwins bwow! Soufwins bwow!
Typhoons! Huwwicanes! Earfquakes!

Your time's cooooooooome!

Well, a very, very heaveh, a heavy dur bertation tonight. We had a very deris, derison, bite. Let's go ahera terra taysen urishalabet, habilapet.

That's a pull quote worthy of being on the front cover of the DVD!

I was skirting the messenger app for ages by just using my Chrome Browser app. I thought I was the baddest MF around, livin high and mighty, stickin in to the man..until one day, a few months ago, they knew *exactly* how to trap me.

Two of the darkest years in recent Tampa Bay history were when we had the 1-800-ASK-GARY Amphitheatre

Is no one going to mention that the person who wrote the recipe down actually thought it was spelled "origino"?

Goddammit Lutz, did you watch that stupid internet video?

“one thing that made me want it to continue more it was wondering what her compelling not evil-or maybe evil (but she had her reasons) character got up to would have been it”

It can be done. But you may not like it.

Passing Strange is the greatest thing ever.
That's all, byee

Also, the first few scenes of both MR! and Ballroom are frenetic and noisy, but after all the characters are introduced and the plot points are set up things start to slow down a bit, especially for Ballroom. I'm certain Gatsby was the same way, but it didn't leave an impression on me either. So don't let that turn

I'd highly recommend Strictly Ballroom, which was on Netflix last time I checked. It's like Moulin Rouge-lite, fast-paced and pop-appropriating but not at the same level. It'd be a good gauge to see if you'd like The Get Down. Unlike Moulin Rouge, The Get Down and Strictly Ballroom stop to breathe once in awhile and

What are your feelings on other Bazmark stuff like Strictly Ballroom, R+J, and Gatsby? This doesn't reach the ADHD, manic absurdity highs of Moulin Rouge, but it still very much has Baz's fingerprints all over it. You're gonna have to lean on your suspension of disbelief for the first few episodes in order to swallow

Ra-Ra's secret weapon spitting abilities was such a great punchline to that segment, except it came before Mylene's record which was the final ingredient. The script should've saved him to be the last piece of the puzzle.

How does Grande not fit the role of Penny? 'Change her lyrics, spoils the narrative of her relationship with Seaweed'? I'm guessing you're under the assumption Grande is latina? She's Italian. Everyone, including me, has thought otherwise until it's brought up.

Thank you for informing me about that, never hit my radar. Though it seems like something I'll have to save for when I'm more inebriated.

I have two episodes left, but it has consistently been a blast to experience, an absolute laugh riot. Coven and Freak Show were so boring and stiff, Hotel was a great return to unintentional absurdity.