Mr. Sweet N Awful

By the end of part one Corrigan's Jackie and Jaden Smith's Diz were my favorite characters. I'm really loving the central drama, the Shao-Zeek-Mylene triangle, with Zeek being caught between the streets and the skyscrapers and seeing the temptations and darkness in both. But the side characters like Jackie, Diz, and

Asylum, definitely. Hotel, maybe. The others, back away slowly.

The vaccine and Bill Nye episodes were what hurt the panel/show. I stopped watching the show for awhile after Larry allowed an anti-vaxxer on the panel to freely spew ridiculous bullshit with little-to-no condemnation. I know he's for open discussion and impartiality but there has to be a line.

The worst thing about "Keep it 100" was the level of reverence behind it, the questions were always on a sophomoric "Would You Rather…"/Sophie's Choice/Bullshit Loaded Question level, but the show treated it like serious business.

That opioid video was absolute insanity! Infinitely better than any similar video produced by Last Week Tonight, Full Frontal, or Noah's Daily Show. How could they have lacked for viral hits when they had stuff like that in their back pocket? Where was that this past year and a half? And that Food Desert piece

They should've either dropped the panel entirely or expanded it and made a more Tough Crowd-like show. The panel was guaranteed shit, except for the few times the guests and discussions were heavily focused to one topic. However, they definitely should have nixed it because there were so many other things the show did

I liked how Ricky even admitted on air recently that he had no business being on a political show. At least he gets it.

On the outset it felt like Wilmore wanted a much lighter take on the political satire topical-late-night-talk-show format than Stewart/Colbert. That turned me off to his show at first, even when the topics were serious Wilmore and the correspondents wouldn't give enough seriousness in their delivery. A lot of them

After 21st Century Breakdown I created an alternate universe in my head where, after Stop Drop and Roll!!!, the boys decided to retire the Green Day moniker and continue officially as Foxboro Hot Tubs, and they kept making infectious, stripped down, retro surf/garage rock instead of all this.

“a sort of Cold Civil War for the American soul.”

I feel like it's obvious that's how she prefers it, she probably even orchestrated it to be that way. There's a rich history of her being volatile and destroying career opportunities. Remember back when she accepted her first VMA, she garnered a lot of controversy for her acceptance speech that kinda spat in the face

Random thought brought on by the picture of Brenda above: Rachel Griffiths and John Cameron Mitchell NEED to play siblings in a movie.

"I Will Take That Ride" is my fav Betty song. Light em up, boys, and get ready to chill:

Okay but this is that one time that the boy is truthfully crying wolf. It's their best since Pinkerton, truly, it's a triumph from start to finish.

I'm from here *and* defending blink-182/this record.

Yeah, I'm pretty disappointed with this review, too. I agree there are embarrassing lyrics left and right, but I thought Feldmann's production was a highlight. How can Anthony open this review with a paragraph praising blink-182's focus on the pop side of pop-punk, then claim what hurts this album is how pop it is?

I remember reading somewhere that there was a large chunk of deleted material that leaned more on psychoanalysis. This included a few scenes after the Riddler/Two-Face siege on Wayne Manor where Bruce wakes up and has amnesia, regains his memory, reconciles his duality, and literally says the words "Batman, forever."

They get selected to room together at school and dislike each other immediately. They start to warm up to each other as the first act goes along, until they're "best friends" when they arrive in the Emerald City. Then the truth about The Wizard causes them to follow different paths, making them adversaries once again.

Technically G(a)linda is Elphaba's nemesis-turned-friend-turned-nemesis-turned-friend.

Count me as disappointed too that Slob was missing.