Mr. Sweet N Awful

I so remember that episode of Cribs. I've wanted a pimped out room designed exclusively for screening and storing a giant collection of horror movies ever since.

Nev-AAH! Jaahm! Too-day!

Carrie Brownstein was there with Courtney Barnett and they didn't play together!?

Alien Abductees
Meet Your Second Wife
Farewell, Mr. Bunting
Christmas Sing-Along ("Debra's Time")
"What's happening to my hungry guys!?" Totinos/X-Files commercial
Inside SoCal: Jessica's Breast Reduction
Quiz Whiz 2018
Kevin Roberts' FBI Simulator
Baby Shower, or "The Cut"
Screen Guild (White) Awards

Seeing Vanessa Bayer full-on corpse was crazy. She might cough down a single laugh once in awhile, but I don't believe she's ever broken completely.
Speaking of which, my favorite almost-break of hers was in the Glory Hole Restaurant sketch earlier this season. A phallic loaf of bread slapped against the wall behind

The entire chorus/song is Barnett warning the listener to lower their expectations for herself. She's a little cynical and unsure about this new-found fame or fanbase, or a friend or lover, and is pushing it away, holding it back at arms length.

“Poetry should not be fun. It should be oppressive and the reader should hate it. Poems are from a hundred years ago. They were written by a bunch of dead men, to punish children. The arts in general are for women and homosexuals. When you read a poem, you should never feel emotion. In summary: poems stink.”

Not before becoming a judge in Bangor. I don't remember ever seeing Potato Chips, but the same character appears in Maine Justice, the 10-to-1 sketch I love most.

There are multiple rappers who all share the same nickname-contraction. Odds are that it's origins come from the ubiquity of Snoop's "izzle".

I love Bahamut, that song is a thrill. DeVotchKa's another band in the same vein.

Except for once it actually looked and sounded like a cue card issue. I definitely heard fumbling and shuffling off camera.

Hollywood People's Time

That Sondheim parody was pretty spot on. I was wondering while Titus was singing if they were trying to mimic his style.

Also, Jenny Slate's Tina Tina Cheneuse.

There'd better be balls.

I want the Sneeches movie I've been expecting for years and I want it now dammit!

There're many things to dislike about the second movie, but cutting Gary Beach's Hitler's Judy Garland-esque monologue from Springtime for Hitler is at the top of that list.

Roundabout still does weird, risky and ambitious. The Threepenny Opera comes to mind first, but there's also been Machinal, The People in the Picture, and Violet.

It seemed like they weren't sure if it was appropriate to laugh at that line, so they opted out with silence. That joke felt like one of the sharpest barbs SNL has thrown in a long while, though the non-reaction might be influencing that feeling.

[@sharculese:disqus later] "Well, I was in such a state of shock I completely blacked out, I can't remember a thing. It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my hands, I even knew they were dead."