Mr. Sweet N Awful

I've never ranked the performances of the Producers film, but “Betrayed” probably is the low point. Such an energetic song so devoid of energy. I feel like the film should have been heavily stylized after movie musicals of the 50s (the aspect ratios, the colors, the techniques. It SHOULD have had an intermission too,

They really do have some good tracks. I will vehemently defend their self-titled album til the end of time, and there are some bright spots on Fush Yu Mang, East Bay Sessions and Summer Girl. I'd go so far as to call them a lesser version of Weezer: they've both plumbed some very public lows that have earned them a

I would say I agree with Sondheim. Burton's Sweeney is by far the best we could have hoped for in a film adaptation of THE TALE itself. It's just not the best we could have had in strict terms of a film adaptation of THE MUSICAL itself. Although, that is entirely the fault of casting. The voices sucked, yes, but the

Whelp, looks like I have to schedule a good cry into today's schedule.

Give it a listen, it has the most hilarious and catchy tunes I've ever heard from a musical.

The cast recording is supposed to be released on vinyl as well. That's what I'm holding out for.

*mutters* Creole bastard…

I know you're joking, but can we actually get this to happen? Too many good shows have been lost to short runs, and sometimes no recordings, because they weren't based on existing property, or too weird, or not crown-pleasing enough.

Everything's legal in New Jersey

I don't know much about the goings-on at The Public Theater around that time, other than LaChuisa and Wolfe's brilliant The Wild Party. How bad was it? I know Wild Party tanked hard, but it deserved better. Way better. Was everything else the Public produced around that time tanking too?

I regret that I have but one upvote to give, this is a really intelligent summary of this article/commentary's entire discussion.

Controversial Opinion:
I like Smash Mouth and they're not that bad.

lol nope

We're takin' pills! Uppers and downers.
Its the logical next step for you!

I thought it now stands for Touching Little Children.

Next up on A(merican)M(ovie)C(lassics): Catwoman

They still have the H but the G has been missing for ages. They might as well call themselves The Real Estate Network these days. I miss the home improvement programs like Color Splash and, I'm dating myself here, Gardening By The Yard.