Mr. Sweet N Awful


I was worried I would like the demos more than the eventual production versions, and I think I was right about that. I prefer the vocals and lyrics for the demo of Selling Out better, and for some reason Duncan Sheik singing You Are What You Wear is much more fun than the chorus of women he wrote it for.

You can hear it for yourself on the London Cast Recording. Their accents are nearly flawless. There's only a couple words here and there where they sound halfway between British and American. The only completely dropped ball is in 'Cards' where they sing “You make it look/oh, so easy/when I know it's *fooking* hard”

Not anywhere near as much as I used to (back around 06-10 when I was a theatre student and more into the theatre scene), I only pop into the Bway and Off-Topic boards now and then, read what interests me, and comment sparingly (just a couple times a month). AVC/AVCADo takes up the majority of my commentariat time

American Psycho the musical. The cast recording of the London production, starring Matt Smith of Dr. Who fame, came out at the end of last month, coinciding with the opening of the Broadway production, starring Benjamin Walker (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, Meryl Streep’s

[Clicks different button]
''Emailing image to address book''? What is wrong with me!?

so many questions…


Just dropping in to say I'm a big fan of the song he did with Frida (the redhead from ABBA) for her solo album, “I Know There's Something Going On”. He produced, played drums, and sang back up vocals for it. I rediscovered the track a few years ago and forgot how good it is, a really powerful, super-80s, “fuck you!”

I bought Deja Entendu at a Target after they played the music video for "Quiet Things…" on the TVs that they had bordering the music section. Had no knowledge of Brand New or what else was on this CD. Went from liking it to hating it to really loving it. The astronaut on the cover has been on my list of future tattoos

I would say those scenes broke the POV part, but were still technically first person. I only watched it once (which, really, is the only amount of times you can watch Enter the Void) and that was a few years ago, so it might be fuzzy to me. The whole movie is shot from a kind of first person perspective, but the

Take it from someone who's in their 20s and isn't into the whole Potter-obsession, Hufflepuff is awesome and I'm proud to be one! There is no shame in being a 'Puff. Badger Pride!

"Poo-aul don't pli-kate us"

With commentary track featuring Pewdiepie!

So, was Enter the Void not a First Person-POV film? Or are we all just pretending it never happened? Or…what? What's going on here?

I think anyone, especially any female, who went to or is currently in high school can accurately sense the satire.

I imagine there's some sort of official/unofficial gag order the cast and writers agreed to. Maybe five years from now we'll start seeing tell-all interviews crop up in the media.

The entire escalating plot with the breast reduction was top notch satire (on the SNL scale), it's a shame Perkins didn't find this entry all that amusing.

Counterpoint: The omnipresent December productions of A Christmas Carol are far worse.
Nearly every single theatre company in existence has done A Christmas Carol every year for decades, and yet, the gap between the rich and the poor continues to grow. So clearly the message of the show isn't working. Shouldn't it be

Really? Which ones? My two are Asylum and Hotel.
Asylum because, as most agree, it's the best of the show so far. So good, in fact, that part of me wants to own it on DVD. And at least the moments where it's so very not good are hilariously entertaining.
Hotel is a flaming piece of crap, but also hilariously