Mr. Sweet N Awful

"We don’t know yet what the setting and tone for that next outing of the anthology series will be"

I'm 2:5 so far!

Speaking of "women of a certain age" what the hell is with the fandom over Tate from Murder House? In what way is that character attractive aside from the fact that he's played by a pretty boy?

Now I'm reminded of the "Pictures from Last Night" bit featuring Conan, Max, and Joel which were always a laugh riot and always ended in violence and nudity.

Andrea's trajectory in Season 3 is what turned me off the show completely. Such a great character turned into an utter moron for the sake of plot.

You don't have to be popular
Find out who your true friends are

Stars! They're just like us!

I will FIGHT anyone who says that Moose Tracks is not the most decadent ice cream on planet Earth!
(That, of course, excludes upscale parlor shop places, like the one in NYC that tops its shit with gold flake)

Dr. Ben Ghazi!

At least she has a greater vocal range than Zaldana (I'm assuming on Zoe's part)

Damn thing kept fluctuating the dimensions over and over.

My reply to this reply is, this: "Does she know she's an ad?"
That's a quote from the adult animated television program, South Park.
I'm Perd Hapley and I just realized, I'm not holding my microphone.

There's a band called The Front Bottoms. Why is there a band called The Front Bottoms?

I didn't know about the Wheel of News so I hopped on over to Youtube and watched the two segments. Best use of twenty minutes of my day!

- Perd Hapley

“Zoe’s not scared.” “Oh yep, Zoe can actually relate to this experience now.”
How does she manage to pull off referring to herself in the third person without that being repellent!? Is there anything Zoe cannot do!?

My favorite right now is (well, now that I've seen The Witch it's The Witch, but before that it was) Lords of Salem. It's pretty polarizing though, even for a Rob Zombie movie. Have you seen it? What were your thoughts?

Definitely give it a try, but only when you're in the mood to experience something really assaulting and messed up.

This is the second person in these comments to make a list of "unanswered questions" that were obviously unanswered because they're ridiculously unnecessary. Same question comes up for both, "Who was the witch?"

I would call it a liberation in a "letting go and accepting fate/death" way. Not a happy liberation, but the final shot did relieve my tension and anxiety in a weird, troubling way.