Mr. Sweet N Awful

I don't know if these classify as jump scares, but the film does contain two or three moments where a loud, but nonthreatening, diegetic sound occurs the second before a cut. For example, the "Crack!" of someone chopping wood just before we cut to a scene of a character chopping wood. Those moments in horror movies

and bagels.

Not all heroes wear capes.

ExtreTERRORestrial or GTFO

That is a much more plausible explanation. This article from 2011 has probably the most accurate description of the phenomena that I've read so far: http://thedoctorweighsin.co…

Wonderful shoehorning-in of Duckman, William Hughes, four stars!

Now I'm gonna do the same, making another post months after this thread/article was hot, just to say I watched a bootleg of Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson sometime in Nov/Dec and I totally get all the criticism now. It's nowhere near as funny as it thinks it is. It's just alienating and sophomoric. I hope the creative

Katy Perry is JonBenet and Ted Cruz is the Zodiac.
(actual) Great Job, Internet

upvote for "dadaist orgy"

This reminds me of a chain of articles posted last year about the theory that human beings' perception of "the color blue" is only a recent evolutionary trait. Ancient writings from around the world are not only devoid of the word 'blue' as a descriptor, but contain some bizarre color choices (most noticeably in The

Have you ever seen blood in the moonlight, Will? It looks quite black.

I tried registering an account the night before and the site couldn't even get passed the first step. So I knew it was going to be a wonderful experience. Unfortunately I didn't get to the article until commenting had been shut down. When I opened the page I believe I saw the counter at 2,083 comments. I tried to dig

I think the most fitting end for him would be a climate change related death. Surely he has enough wealth to live long enough to experience some of the effects. Maybe he'll drown in a torrential flood. Maybe he'll die of dehydration and heat stroke on a 140 degree August day. Maybe the foundation of his beach house

"Well, remember - jet fuel wasn't the only thing on those planes. They would've also carried tanks full of the mind-control agents airliners use to make chemtrails. Who knows what temperature that stuff burns at!"

oh my god…

It's definitely a sign of good pop music when you're singing along on the first listen before you even truly know the lyrics. That was my experience with nearly every track. I was streaming this on NPRs website and god it was all just so exhilarating and infectious. I feel like this album should be illegal, or at

That shit really threw me at first, I was almost offended by its presence after five perfect, blissful tracks. But, honestly, I ended up liking it by the end. The off-key wailing became kind of endearing, I was singing along by the last chorus.

@feliscumpleanos, in the comments section for the recent SNL episode they appeared on, posted this gem that was buried too far down to get the appreciation it rightly deserved:

Current rumor is that it's going to be Rick Fucking Voldemort Fuckface Scott. My governor. Whom I hate, immensely. First thing the fucker did when he assumed office was kill our proposed light rail program. He denies climate change while running a state that will soon be under water and is currently losing beaches.

My vote is for the Martin Starr look-a-like with the bowl cut and big ears.