Mr. Sweet N Awful

Disturbing lack of "Ooooweee!"

Same results with Juicy J's "mothaFUCKAH!" as well.

A thousand blessings upon you!

I thought I was going to be offered drugs WAY more than I have in real life.

The AV Club
“Disqus just crashed”

CVS receipts are like some kind of sick joke.

I also watched it for the first time last October and, though it took awhile to charm me, I found it pretty enjoyable. Especially the back half. Sometimes that enjoyment was ironic, however.

All very true. I didn't care that much for Olive's nunnery plot at the beginning, but her trajectory for the rest of Season 2 was great. Ned and Chuck's father issues were also explored well, and Emerson's family drama was great.
Even though I felt it wasn't as wondrous and magical as the first season, Season 2 gave

Fine, Lee Daniel's The Apartment it is then.

Well, for one, they pretty much single-handedly create the hype for, then utterly destroyed the careers of Black Kids (the band).

Like terminating a happy marriage, I think there is something to be said for going out on a high note.

We Need to Talk About Hulu

How dare you! Earth Girls are Easy is the Citizen Kane of 80s comedies! No, fuck it, Earth Girls are Easy is the Citizen Kane of FILMS!!!

Splitting Hannibal in Europe and The Great Red Dragon into two separate seasons? That would have been better.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Pushing Daisies' ending was…atrocious. It was just a poorly executed scramble to find a plausible resolution for each character, tacked on to the final 60 seconds of the last episode. The first season is required viewing if you're a Fuller fan, but you probably could leave it

Zachary Hammond
Deven Guilford
Dillon Taylor


I remember being astonished by her appearance in Wolf of Wall Street. I supposed she looked her age in that film, and I know the main gag of AbFab is these women tirelessly fighting against the aging process, but…jeez.

I hate their new electro sound, especially when viewed against Rhumb Line's beautiful baroque elements. But I can't really hate Ra Ra Riot themselves. Usually a band going electronic feels like a hollow grab at radio airplay or mainstream success, but since they lost their leader this feels more like them trying to

I've read that it wasn't even filmed at Circle in the Square, but rather at Cafe Brazil in New Orleans after the production had closed. Film can do a good job of intimacy. Isn't it usually the inverse problem when filming stage shows, musicals especially? The "playing to the rafters" style clashing with the intimacy