Mr. Sweet N Awful

Thank you señor, I'm sorry you smell like BALLS.

I haven't seen too much of the show, the only recurring bits I recall are 'Laying under the stars and musing with celebrities' (which seems too Fallon-y) and the Big Furry Hat (which feels like it came straight out of the Colbert Report wheelhouse).

What about the Rumsfeld interview? He dug in on that one. He didn't go in on him on a Report level, but for a network late night talk show he did pretty well.

Walmart presents
Disney's America
a subsidiary of the People's Republic of China

It's like they let Best Musical Theatre Album out of the attic and let it play in the sun for one glorious day, if it promised to behave itself.

My favorite thing about that line is how he delivers it with an upward inflection, like how stupid people speak.

(A Year Earlier)
The Grammys: because you haven't heard Stay With Me enough!

Daaang really? I thought it was pretty odd that, though there was no spotlight on a guitarist, it clearly sounded (to me) like one was playing periodically…sheepishly, and amateurishly. I'm legitimately shocked, I swear it even sounded like strumming. How mortifying for her.

But it wasn't EVEN that they were whining about streaming. They were whining about the insulting pittance cut that artists and the like receive from streaming profits. Which is a kinda legit grievance.

Seriously, did the sound mixer have it out for her or something? It had the distinction of being the only performance that suffered (…from a technical standpoint). I thought the audio of my feed cut out for a second at the beginning, but when it came back I could tell something was up. That guitar was awful. And poor

The opener (close-up on her face with the projection morphing her into different Bowie looks) gave me hope and then nothing else lived up to that first minute.

Took a Grammy performance just to send him to the mainland.

The New York/Broadway circle is usually seen as stiff and stuffy, which is funny since the Hamilton crowd was going wild for their performance/acceptance speech. They made the Grammy audience look geriatric in comparison.

Haha, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and Hulk Hogan are already up in there making mischief!

Being a fan of OK Go is pretty tough. I had 'Get Over It' on heavy rotation in 2003 but no one else in my school was into them. Fast-forward a couple years and everyone's into them for the videos, which I initially resented. They were fun and popular, but they overshadowed the band (I remember screaming internally any

That is not untrue…

But it did have Jay Mohr in a dress. Playing a teacher. Busting in on a high school sex party with an axe and screaming "CLASS DISMISSED!"

Sounding a little J. Jonah Jameson there, Spidey…

“In a cool way, then hey, then it’s not just some old, white Christian bigot that people want to say, ‘It could be, maybe, a cool kind of open-minded woman like me.’”