Mr. Sweet N Awful

This reminds me of a visual I had a few weeks ago of footage of 9/11 set to the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme, with the flute flourish coinciding with the second plane making contact. I know it's terrible, but I loved myself for thinking of it.

Basically it went like this

There was that moment towards the end when Rider Strong was straight up hallucinating about crazy shit that was happening in a hospital he may or may not have been admitted to. Wasn't there a person in a bunny suit in that scene?

♫ Cabin in the woods, Oooooo! Cabin in the woods, Yeaaah! We're five college students on our way to an old abandoned cabin in the woods, OH YEAH! ♫

Yeah, my heart actually sank a bit when I read that it had been deleted.

Money, you ignorant slut…


Saw 3 was the logical end-point of the story. If they'd had the resolve to stop there it might be looked on nowadays as a pretty decent trilogy. I hate that it's become this generation's Friday the 13th, just a never ending cavalcade of annual torture porn nonsense.

It's time for another episode of Maine Justice!


I'm always fine with Dafoe's blood spooge, but I've only been able to watch Charlotte Gainsbourg's clitorectomy once without my hands covering my eyes. I think it was on my third watch.

It…does what it sets out to do…which is utterly destroy you morally and psychologically.

Straight out the gate I thought I was going to hate it. They won me over by the end of the first song. Not my cup of tea, personally, but not bad. I really liked the singer's voice and stage presence/mannerisms, but I wanted to strangle him for wearing that ridiculous outfit.

*pours a 40oz onto the floor for Abby Elliot*

Kate McKinnon killed it in the alternate Casablanca ending, and even though Reese is an afterthought in those sketches, the fact that his "Worst. Post-sex. Discussion. Ever." line is just as memorable as Kate's shtick is clear evidence that Kenan is the shit.


The only thing I was unsure of: what body part, exactly, was he skipping rope with? Still, from beginning (as in rolling into frame with the feathered hair) to end that was a thing of beauty.

"An archer shot an arrow in front of Mifune, approximating the right trajectory, and the movie cuts, midway through the arrow’s flight, to a shot of Mifune already impaled by a fake arrow. Throw in the right sound effect and the human brain readily connects the dots—even after knowing how it’s done. (Going through it