
I would argue that the songwriting is at least of standard Top 40 quality, if not better because it at least tells a cohesive story. Still a bad song though.

Wait, when was this? It always cracks me up that DC is usually the city with the most viewers of that show.

That sounds awesome.

The first two episodes are pretty bad on first watch, but around episode five or six the show becomes consistently great.

The line "can't you see I'm human too" could suggest that the dad was simply disgusted in the guy or was rude in his reasoning. Considering the guy is the lead singer of Magic! and looks like a trustafarian, however, I would probably agree with the dad's decision no matter how he said it.

Yeah, the misogynistic/sexist angle is pretty ridiculous. Still a bad song though.

It's very Jimmy Neutron.

To be fair, we don't really know the dad's reasons or how he rejected the son. It's possible that he did it in a rude way.

Ginseng cigarettes?

Isn't that the dolphin pop singer from Bojack Horseman?

The Chronicles of Narnia are of much better quality than Harry Potter, and are more comparable to the Lord of the Rings series. However, they are still aimed at young adults, so I'm not sure how well they hold up when a person is mature.


My saying that I thought he was arrogant doesn't negate any positive thing that you've heard. Feel free to reach whatever conclusion you want about the guy, though it doesn't sound as though you've met him. And you're right, it's not as though I've spent enough time with him to act as an authority on his personality,

Since I think you are wildly misreading my comments, I will clarify my initial statement. I have met Jon Stewart, and up until that point, I had liked him and his show. When I met him, he was incredibly condescending and arrogant, even though I was being polite and friendly, which made me like him a good deal less. He

That's the one after Resident Evil: Gentrification, right? It's so hard to keep up with this series.

That's not really what I was saying at all, but no, I have not met either of those men.

Jon Stewart is probably the most smug, arrogant person that I've ever met. He lost all respect from me with the way he was treating the people around him.

Watch Attack the Block and thank me later.

The First Avenger is really a pretty weird movie, and kind of it's own thing in a way few MCU movies are. The Nazi sci-fi technology creates such a strange contrast with the tone of the rest of the movie. I would probably place it mid-pack on my list, but it's definitely entertaining.

That Watchmen montage is phenomenal.