
That's how I was, and my wife made me turn it off like ten minutes into the second episode. It's really bad.

I'd agree with it being more of a positive show for sure.

My wife and I have also been rewatching it, and it really is incredible how good it is. That being said, starting at season six the quality plummets.

The best Parks & Rec episodes were only about as good as a season 5 episode of The Office (after it had peaked), with the average episode being about the same quality as later episodes of The Office.

There were a few interesting visual ideas, but they were mostly shown in the trailers. Outside of that, there really isn't anything good I can say about that movie.

I really want to see Dunkirk, but after the back-to-back disasters of The Dark Knight Rises and Interstellar I refuse to see a Nolan movie in theaters. Interstellar was laughably bad, and honestly not even that interesting to look at.

Okay, I get that. I enjoy Getting Doug with High occasionally, and would say he's best at improvising with guests than doing stand-up. I saw him live once, and he was just awful.

Ron Funches is amazing, but Doug Benson?

Great write-up on an underrated show. Of course, the episodes were often hit-or-miss, but they were usually at least amusing, and definitely exposed me to some comedians I never would've heard elsewhere. I'll be sad to see it go.

Of Del Toro's movies, I've seen Pan's Labyrinth, the Hellboy movies, Pacific Rim, and Crimson Peak. All are of differing quality in general, but Pan's Labyrinth really is the only good story out of the bunch. Visuals aside, Pacific Rim and Crimson Peak were awful.

"You Came to Party" off the Silicon Valley soundtrack is hilarious. Great song.

Nope. "Praying" showed promise, but "Woman" was a waste of the Dap-Kings and her other single was garbage.

Not necessarily? Or they could say that certain aspects of public universities should be reformed. Bernie Sanders probably uses big banks, but that doesn't stop him from criticizing them, does it?

This article is incredibly stupid. So just because someone is covered under a law, they can't criticize it? If a person is going to a public university, can they not criticize public education? Find something better to criticize her for, this just makes the AV Club look bad.

Wonder woman was fine, about as good as an average Marvel movie, but it is probably only the third best superhero movie this year (I haven't seen Spider Man, so not sure if it's better or worse).

Yep, and I'd say it's far inferior to the U.S. version.

Arcade Fire may be the most boring band on Earth,and this album is no exception.

Simple Math is an incredible album, but nothing they've released since then has hooked me. Still looking forward to hearing this complete album, and being from SD I'm eager to hear "Lead, SD."

No way. Though drunk Ben Wyatt never fails to make me laugh.

My wife and I are rewatching The Office, and we're up to about season 6. The show really is perfection, at least up until that point, though I will concede that the Michael Scott-less years could be better. In my opinion, Parks and Rec never came close to being as good, and the first few seasons were much worse than