There's a great episode of the "This Is Not Happening" series on YouTube where he speaks about that time in his life.
There's a great episode of the "This Is Not Happening" series on YouTube where he speaks about that time in his life.
I've been jamming out to House of Heroes' concept album Colors, and it gets better with every listen. There are just so many layers to the music and storytelling that I pick up on new connections or themes every time I listen to it.
I'm hating myself for responding once more, but dude, get a grip. No one is attacking the basic tenets of logic. I (and everyone who's passed philosophy 101) get it. That was never the point of this discussion, which you never seemed to have understood, yet have successfully derailed (kudos). To my earlier point: in…
I have a minor in philosophy, and I've taken logic courses. It's not that I don't understand what you're saying, it's that what you're saying is only useful in a navel-gazing classroom setting (or in certain legal instances). You can't seem to grasp that the world operates in grays and not black and whites, and you…
This is getting annoying. Two arguments can be equally strong (or weak) from a logical perspective without negating the other. Many arguments are not based in empirical facts, so determining the logic of them depends on a person's own personal viewpoints and priorities. You can deem a "logical" argument to be…
I would agree that "equality and harm-reduction are almost the sole drivers for progressives," but I would say that conservatives are more for self-reliance and limited government intervention in their lives. Keep in mind, most conservatives are not against equality (though both sides would disagree on what equality…
I'd agree with that, but I'd say that it's more often a compromise between two opposing viewpoints than it is either of those extremes.
There is so much wrong with this comment, and that's even if you can get past its sheer pretentiousness and arrogance.
Well, this is a new low for the AV Club.
Good point, I had failed to consider that when I made my comment.
Can't wait, Nathan For You is the funniest (and possibly most intelligent) show on TV.
Already happened!
Your loss, it's incredible.
"Part and product of acknowledging that appeals-to-moderation are fallacious is to realise that if one side of an argument is logically sound; then the opposing side is incorrect."
Here's what I'm saying: the quote I used was O'Neal's representation of South Park's message. That representation is clearly misguided and not accurate. Thus, any critique of the show where the author believes that is an accurate representation immediately has issues because the premise of the argument is off. In this…
Fair enough, I never saw last season.
It's literally the "it can be two things" of TV shows.
Every time I see people mention false equivalence and then make a biased argument in favor of a side, I immediately see that they have little self-awareness or understanding of what false equivalence actually means.
Wait, I thought it was Jimmy Fallon's fault.
Yeah, but that "single aspect of South Park" that he is investigating is South Parks general theme, as outlined in this quote: "After all, for most of its 20 years, South Park’s own point of view has more or less been this: “Everything and everyone are full of shit—hey, relax, guy.”" I would say that quote is not an…