
Yeah, this idea that rap is in direct relation to rock is questionable at best. In the 80s and 90s, you could make that case based upon r&b and funk rhythms over rock beats. The way I look at this case, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame seems to be making a case that NWA followed the spirit of rock (standing up to The

I enjoy ironing while watching It's Always Sunny. I'm not sure where that lands on your list for most people.

Et tu, nephew?

Wasn't she also in the Kevin Costner as Liam Neeson vehicle Three Days to Kill? That was a magnificent production as well.

But enough about Birdman.

There's a Step Brothers 2 coming out?!

I was hooked on End of Watch until it started focusing on the cartoonish gang members.

Weirdly enough, "could care less" makes sense in that context, even if it gives the statement a different meaning than what he intended. His parents could care, but he does what he wants so it doesn't matter that his parents care that he cusses. Anyway, who are you to judge him? He knows more grammar than you!

I love it when I stumble upon something that I created as a kid. Through my elementary years I lived in Mozambique, which meant that I had malaria six times. When I was nine, my parents recorded a Christmas greeting for my grandma back in the U.S., and my submission was a hilariously deadpan speech about the pros and

No, it's fairly comedic. But yeah, that's about right.

It's a decent piece of fluff, but nothing special. It's also the movie that my wife (who is French) and I watched on our first date, which is a somewhat fun fact.

So…the opposite of Zach Snyder?

They are so good. "Comedian" is probably my favorite song from 2014.

Wow, I never realized Blue Like Jazz got such a good review from this website. I've never seen it, but I love Steve Taylor's music. The Goliath album and Wow to the Deadness are fantastic records.

"Daredevil is a flawed show, and it's mostly worse than the Nolan movies…" It has its flaws, but the show is light years ahead of the Nolan movies in almost every way.

TDK is good to great, but Batman Begins is mediocre.

What's crazy is that this movie has a worse RT score then half of the Transformers movies.

What's crazy is that this movie has a worse RT score then half of the Transformers movies.

My wife is so excited to see WW. Thankfully, we are travelling this weekend, so hopefully she will forget about it before she makes me sit through this.

That's what I got from this article. Destiny is such a superficial game and a complete time-waster. The Division at least has the Dark Zone element, which sounds interesting.