
"I Think I'll Disappear Now" is a darn good song.

Is it weird that God Shuffled His Feet is one of my favorite albums of all time?

OK Go-style treadmill fight.

This is "raw rock ’n’ roll at its core?" Give me Showbread over this fluff any day.

That was a perfectly good adaptation, though combining the first three books together made the movie a little jarring. Holes was also a great flick.

My guess is that the Cloverfield brand will be an anthology of sorts with the alien invasion as the framing device. It would make sense that the films would follow the shared plotline of the invasion, which each film showing a different act. The first Cloverfield is the first wave, initial shock and awe on major

I fell asleep on the metro and someone stole my wallet. Besides that, an A+ weekend. Did tons of chores, went to church, and watched It's Always Sunny with the wife and cat sleeping on me. Can't complain.

Are you joking? Do you know the significance of it?

He's hilarious, truthful, and if people think he's being serious with half of his jokes, they should take a refresher on sarcasm. Plus, "Bruh" is a great freestyle, and "Russell Westbrook on a Farm" is solid.

For real. The 2001 clip is especially perplexing.

It's a good song, but hardly memorable. Definitely a solid parody of throwback soul though.

I don't understand how that song is popular and liked. The writing for the chorus is horrific.

This song was mentioned in an article last year, so I added it to a playlist and gave it a couple dozen listens over the course of a few months. It's not a bad song, but it's not great, either, and certainly not a dance-pop song that can compete with "Uptown Funk" (imo a legitimately fantastic, if overplayed, song). I

"Bitter" by Andy Mineo has a stinging voicemail left by his father. Makes me cringe every time I hear it.

I started watching the first episode, then stopped at the annoying bit where they kept squeezing the dinosaur. I tried going back to it, and even finished the first episode, but I have no desire to continue the series except to see what the fuss is about. So no, you aren't the only one.

The fried pickles are burnt to a crisp and inedible, though.

Zimbabwe is right across the border.

That shtick mostly applies to the mascot character, who is mostly obnoxious and goofy. The other characters, being star football players, don't really have to try. It's more over-the-top college and football shenanigans.

Well, I guess I'm the contrarian then. As a high school/ college kid I thought the show was hilariously dumb, but I just rewatched the first episode the other night and it was still entertaining. It's worth watching for Thad, if nothing else, and his closeted homophobe is the clearest example of the show being a

Yes. It's a bit repetitive in themes, but it's a genuinely funny show with characters that you get surprisingly attached to later on.