
I enjoy how on The Middle, all the kids have love lives and not just the popular jock. It's a very realistic show that manages to be hilarious (usually because of the truth)!

Brian Callan has been great on this show!

That is awesome.

Unless the real Eric had an overactive gag reflex, I suppose so!
P.S. I love how you comment on these boards! Your show is hilarious and heartwarming.

Frankie's favorite show! (And now Pat's!)

Lol! I was wondering if Dr. Bong knows who is actually replying to his comment!

I would love a RR with her as well! Try to get some Fresh Prince stories. :)

Ok, I haven't seen every ep but I caught her gagging on the Rush one, and it was hilarious, but if she does it too much, she's ripping off Sweet Dee, who patented the gag.

Touching story, thanks for sharing. It made me think of my husband when Adam was like, "Oh, Dad…" He never realized. It made me think of my husband, sometimes he lets something slip. I had a Leave it to Beaver upbringing compared to his, I can't even imagine. No child should have to. :(

I was laughing SO hard. And then getting choked up at Murray's childhood and how sweet Pops is. LOVED his sloshed line about spending time with the boy. :)

The wardrobe lady was on last week's clip show, she looked about 30-35, maybe?

She has a nice voice.

I bet Brad watches it…

[Christian withdraws hand]

I remember her from Weeds, in a slo-mo/zoom-in picking her braces, and I wondered where did they get a young actress willing to do that! Now I see how talented she is. I'm so glad she and the role of Sue Heck found each other!

It's like they just don't CARE…

It does! I'm always having to remember lines to tell my husband later, and then it's not as funny.

Four years later…I'm watching it nightly from 8-10 (central) on Hallmark channel and reading these recaps!

I was glad to discover that Patricia Heaton can do different moms, though. Some of it is due to the different lighting on ELR and The Middle, but I like her a lot better as Frankie!

I liked the episodes, but it was one or two too many of those kind of comments about Ray/Frankie(Debra) for me, too. We get it…