
It's ok, Sue's used to it.

He nails the "sullen teen" character, especially in the early seasons.

Just hearing the term "cousin box," I knew exactly what they meant! The difference is, I looked forward to it, but I'm a female and my older cousin was "cool." Brick's dismay was still hilarious.

The cut to Brad was hilarious!

Sue's speech to Brad about not peaking in middle school is the best thing ever. I'm going to make my kids watch it when they're older! It's so true, and she's so wise to see that. She is so awesome.

I like that idea! Some episodes could have a storyline at her college. That would be great.

I wish the writers would go back and watch the first season and get a feel for the show we all found so charming.

Ha, I was wondering if they knew the airdate and his birthday was 4/6. Not wondering enough to look it up, obviously…

Bravo to the writers for actually letting them be high. And I, too, was hopefully expecting Haley to be involved a little more once she discovered Phil/Mitch…

I had to go back and re-watch all the "pink coat" scenes, I liked where they went with it.

I miss that certain something the first season had, for sure…

That's the sign of a good comment right there.

“The six of you had….ducked out.”
The funniest line of the episode!!

Phil could have easily explained it to Claire and said he lost because he couldn't get her to eat any crickets. Bam.

The will-they/won't-they scenarios are so tiring. He isn't Haley's type, I don't care what growth you want to attribute that to…I could see her ending up with a guy like her dad, but Andy can't even come CLOSE to Phil!

I can't stand him on this show (haven't seen anything else he's acted in). The character is not funny, and takes all the laughs out of any scene…it's a shame he is STILL on the show!

A Dann Florek cameo would be welcome!
I have to go re-watch and see Adam Arkin, didn't catch that one.

McManus got old…

I think Hank was just concussed and didn't think about her.

I loved the house gags, they got funnier and funnier!