
Get her the book!!

I have to read Summer Sisters every few years…usually when it gets warmer out.

Agree, I didn't know much, but I knew that belt didn't still exist. We would have seen more evidence.

Books are a fantastic way to introduce a topic.

God. Books are always safer than visuals. I hope my daughter reads all of Judy's books before she's too old to have already learned a lot from movies and other kids.

I thought Blubber (oh sorry, Linda) was brave for the amount that she did stand up to Wendy. She had some spunk.

She's a national treasure.

Lol. The older you get, the more Judge Smails there is in you….

I miss the days when kids were that into books.

Let one get in your house overnight. The whole family will wake up looking like they have the pox.

I was going to start a thread, "Are there any Sally J Freedman" fans here? I loved that book, even despite the overuse of ellipses….
That book is so great. Just so much happening and so different from my world.

Laughing because I just remembered how THAT book introduced me to the word "menstruation." I asked my sister what it meant and she said, "I don't know, ask Mama." (we're southern) She was LYING, she knew!

Blubber was darkly fascinating to me as a shy dork getting to see the inside world of the cool kids. And the bullying!!!

Totally, why would anyone ever WANT to get their period?

It's not JUST the pre-teen life lessons that stay with you for life.

It did seem harsh, even if he was a bad kid…it definitely leaves you different than before you read it.

Should be required reading for every adolescent-girl AND boy!

Must be the same cover I read…I was born in 1983.

I guess the dark peach with purple writing was the one I read…I thought it would jump out at me. Was there another cover in the 80s/90s?

Say Yes to the Dress