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    Yes, I am full aware of ABC and the creator taking the risk. I'm not sure if John Cho will ever get a starring lead role since this show got cancelled after 7 episodes, plus he's getting older. That doesn't really look good on his resume. I do however feel asian actresses will probably make it and be be able to get

    Yes, I mean't "had". That's pretty extreme the ads were pulled.

    I've heard he had problems with homosexuals. Dave Thomas pulled Wendy's advertisements from the Ellen DeGeneres Show, because her character came out of the closet.

    Yeah, I'm not sure if Eliza is really satisfied with Freddy, there isn't anything they can learn from each other. Henry and Eliza on the other hand had feelings for each other from the very beginning when they were outside Henry's house on episode 1, you can tell when he touched her arm. The friendship between

    Actually, I believe they were originally looking for a older caucasian British actor. Yes I know, it's not about Henry's ethnicity (although his asian ethnicity was mentioned briefly but not a big deal), I know that, and a lot of people know that too lol. The point I'm making, asian actors have limited roles. A

    I hope someday…there would be another non stereotypical asian male lead. Really really sucks this show got cancelled so soon…this show is really cool and so fun to watch. The actors are so talented and likable as well…such a shame.

    Sort of, although…I would've liked to have seen something resolved or implied romance with the first asian male non stereotypical lead…there is a saying that asian guys never gets the girl…I'm not saying this has to be true but…would be a disappointing ending because once again the asian guy is…sexless.

    I hope you were kidding. All TV shows have episodes that's not as good as others.

    We can only hope. I still don't understand why it was cancelled in the first place. The ratings were low but I don't think it was getting worse. Some countries weren't able to watch it because of regional block.

    Wow, so many people. I hope ABC gets the hint lol.

    Wow, that had a really interesting ending. I wish it wasn't cancelled, dammit.

    Hulu pimping out lol.

    It is unfair, agreed.

    There are people who look far older than their age, John Cho doesn't look old for his age at all, in fact he still looks about the same from his first Harold and Kumar film which came out 10 years ago when he was in his early 30s. Some people age differently than others due to nutrition, genetics, excercise,

    You know my friend…we all get old and as YOU yourself gets older, people younger than you will also complain about people your age, enjoy your youth for now.

    I couldn't stop laughing when Henry first gave her the rotary phone, the expression on her face…cute lol.

    Oh I agree with you, but Ken Jeong portrays characters that are unflattering and misogynistic. There was one movie where I can think of like Knocked Up movie where he was like a regular guy but majority of his characters are not really all that funny.

    Sounds really fun, I would love to visit, want to see Kangaroos boxing lol.

    My friend gets jealous easily because he's not good looking and not in the best of shape. There are things I've suggested to him to make himself more physically attractive to women, but he won't do anything and instead gets jealous of good looking men.