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    You're right, some people are weird. He likes watching cute women on TV, but gets really jealous of good looking men (John Cho is not bad looking) especially if they are a minority.

    I have some friends living in Australia, I would like to visit there.

    More like not enough of a fan base for people to really care for asian male actors in the U.S. (even if they have all the talent in the world). John Cho got lucky in what few roles he is allowed to get. This is all too bad because if this show would've been successful, there might've been more opportunities for

    Yeah I know. I'm saying I know some jealous people. I know a jealous non asian guy who started watching Selfie and turned it off…I asked him why he stopped watching it, his excuse was that he didn't get the humor, but I know his real reason why he didn't want to watch it.

    But doesn't help things when people have problems with interracial relationships. I know some people who don't like race mixing, I don't like to talk to them about it because it just leads into more arguments. Some people just get jealous too easily (lot of times from with their own failures)…this is why we can't

    I was wondering about that too because even the Simpsons have way more raunchier humor and crude jokes and yet it still the longest running show. You know, when I think about this more and more, Selfie is probably one cool show that actually makes asian guys pretty normal. The entertainment industry has a history of

    Yeah, this really sucks it's cancelled…sad.

    Yes I know, but the romance with an asian male lead is unusual regardless of what his personality is. I guess we're probably not going to see another non stereotypical asian male actor (for a while) in a leading role with a love interest or to be allowed to show…feelings.

    I know what you're saying, although there are couples with big age difference…age is just a number look at George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin lol. John Cho isn't balding or gained weight, he still looks younger than his age.

    That's too bad it's cancelled, just when it was getting really interesting…I don't understand why more people aren't watching it…is it that John Cho is asian? I thought the show was funny and the supporting cast members were interesting too. With the exception of a weak title, it has so much potential that also

    John Cho's character Henry was supposed to be older, originally they were looking for an older white British male actor.

    Don't overthink things. The whole show centers around these two characters. I think you're right there would be new challenges if they end up together, (they're both not bad looking) but this just creates more interesting tension (in a emotional sense). Like I mentioned, I don't feel the limiting factor as a couple

    Yeah I know, but this show is already really rare to have an asian male actor in a romantic lead. I think this is great to finally see an asian male actor portrayed as a regular guy and not having to do with his ethnicity. You're right, the two characters are different but that's what makes them attracted to each

    I think Eliza and Henry getting together as a couple would be alright, let's see how it plays out. I've never ever seen a romance like this on screen with an asian male actor. And think about this too, even though they have opposite personalities, they're both still trying to achieve the same goals which brings out

    Ok, I notice some people are concerned with the build up of a romance between Eliza and Henry and that if they get together, this ruins the mystery and challenge between the characters. I don't think this is necessarily true. They have opposite personalities yes…of course they do, but they also have common

    And again…I'm sorry but I disagree with you guys. Why do you guys feel the chemistry between the two would change if they end up being a couple? I admit the two characters have different personalities but they're so common in some ways. I think they will still have a spark and still challenge and entertain us

    You think so? I don't see it as being cliche. Even if Eliza and Henry end up together, I don't think this will ruin anything because they have such dynamic personalities (opposites attract) but wanting similar things. If you look at Han Solo and Princess Leia in Star Wars, they were always at each others throats

    I was also caught off guard with the two lead characters having intense romantic moments…too bad you don't see many couples like this.

    I know I hope it doesn't get cancelled, that would really suck. This show is really funny…henry69 lol.