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    Are you being sarcastic? Why do you bring up race for?

    I do have a thick skin (you're right I have to deal with racist co-workers and friends although they don't hate and I don't let it bother because it just makes things worse), you don't know me, stop putting words in my mouth. Fresh off the boat is an alright show and I was just pointing out that non asians are

    I agree with you that people would rather watch some stereotypes than not at all, and this show isn't really all that bad, actually it's not bad at all. I just mean, there really hasn't been a breakthrough for strong asian leads ever since Bruce and Brandon's death. The majority of the representations for asian men

    I used to have an asian friend (he passed away a while back from cancer) who grew up in the 80s and was made fun of with racial taunts daily. A few times he told me it got so bad, he went home crying. He told me he felt better when he would put on a Bruce Lee movie, that was the only recognizable asian at the time.

    I miss Selfie lol, it had such a cool sense of humor and likable characters that didn't have anything to do with race.

    I wish this show was more of a drama like The Wonder Years.

    Actually I think PSY, (even though he's not from the U.S.) has had more of a impact on pop culture than any asian celebrities today combined.

    Sort of has PSY gangnam style look which is not really flattering.

    I know, Hollywood thinks all asians look the same.

    Hey this is America, I can criticize as much as I want. The name of the title is a derogatory term. All those shows you mentioned are supporting roles…I suppose it's better to see stereotypes than not at all…I mean would William Hung been able to get popular had he have been of a another race? Believe it or not but

    I think it could've been better without the stereotypes.

    That's because Constance Wu is an American of Chinese descent, the actors all are American but the actors who portray the parents (especially the mom) are forced to speak with typical asian accents…because you know…asians are not allowed to be Americans on TV or in movies (and I don't care that it's based on that

    I know what you mean. If only more people would've watched this show and if this series would've been successful, it could've influenced more asian leads in non stereotypical, regular roles, that's pretty depressing it's cancelled…doesn't seem fair. And I too am not really looking forward to ABC's Fresh off the Boat

    I was talking about movies, not about this show where asian leads are excluded in roles that have asian influences.

    Yes I agree, asian actors have to use what they have and work with it, and not force anything, I'm not disagreeing with everything you're saying, I'm saying it would be nice to not have to deal with disappointments after disappointments so many times, eventually people are going to lose interest.

    Yeah I know, a lot of actors are type cast, but asian actors (especially the males) are usually cast for an asian reasoning role which often times tend to be rather negative (look at "The Interview" movie). Asian female stereotypes are considered sexy and I think they can make it in Hollywood, I don't think asian men

    I agree with you, he's earned it and he has been in a lot of roles, just not as a main character like this show. I guess what I'm saying is that there are major movie roles for him like the Flash Boys movie I was talking about (there was also a movie called "21"), but these stupid Hollywood idiot execs just won't

    I think all the actors are really talented and hopefully they can all find more work. The only actor that I'm not sure will be able get decent roles might be John Cho. I know he's got Star Trek and some minor TV roles, but they're all supporting roles. There was a comment from the Sony leak by Oscar winning

    Oh I agree with you, the weak time slot, weak title, and mediocre 1st episode, and not enough people giving this show a chance, etc. I also agree with you that we should be proud of with interracial romance. And not just a interracial romance, but just a "romance" with an asian male actor, we rarely get to see that

    I really really wish this series can continue but I don't think it will be picked up by Hulu, there really isn't an audience for "diversity" yet for a interracial romance involving an attractive white lady and a asian man. I think some people might've had problems with John Cho's ethnicity even though it wasn't about