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    This show cracks me up, Cho jumping in the pond nude lol and the urinal scene lol, I don't think I can go either if my boss was talking to me about diseases and Charmonique and Eliza clones LMAO.

    I remember hearing about Justin Lin's Better Luck Tomorrow movie being criticized by a non asian person that it degrades asians, and Justin Lin said it wasn't about that. That's really sad. Why and how would a non asian person think they know how asians should behave? Doesn't make sense. There was also even an

    I think it's because it's not very common, and you're right it's none of their business.

    I was wondering about the Zellweger joke also, too funny lol.

    Zellweger reference, I know I was thinking the same thing lmao!!

    Wow, I must say, this show is getting better and better. I think people are right, the two leads together make an interesting couple…cute. Seems like there might be some romance between the two leads…KPOP is pretty cool, I really like the old school KPOP like TURBO and SES. That was really cute with Charmonique's