This show cracks me up, Cho jumping in the pond nude lol and the urinal scene lol, I don't think I can go either if my boss was talking to me about diseases and Charmonique and Eliza clones LMAO.
This show cracks me up, Cho jumping in the pond nude lol and the urinal scene lol, I don't think I can go either if my boss was talking to me about diseases and Charmonique and Eliza clones LMAO.
I remember hearing about Justin Lin's Better Luck Tomorrow movie being criticized by a non asian person that it degrades asians, and Justin Lin said it wasn't about that. That's really sad. Why and how would a non asian person think they know how asians should behave? Doesn't make sense. There was also even an…
I think it's because it's not very common, and you're right it's none of their business.
I was wondering about the Zellweger joke also, too funny lol.
Zellweger reference, I know I was thinking the same thing lmao!!
Wow, I must say, this show is getting better and better. I think people are right, the two leads together make an interesting couple…cute. Seems like there might be some romance between the two leads…KPOP is pretty cool, I really like the old school KPOP like TURBO and SES. That was really cute with Charmonique's…