
Only times I recall a full scale makeout sesh while an album played was Black Sabbath Master of Reality. The only other one I remember was the album Love, the Beatles/Cirque du Soleil thing. That one also evolved into more than making out if i remember correctly.

I love this site but sometimes a review will just be a synopsis of what you watched. This is one of those reviews. Or am I missing the point, is this not supposed to be a review?

yes very good thank you

But what was in Al Capone's glove compartment????


*starts construction on Cuckasaurus*

it gets quite good as the game goes on. the opening is kinda boring but some of the later dungeons were (kisses fingers like a chef)

Xenoblade X fits your mold, although it also does have a near endless quantity of cheap fetchquests for XP acquisition. Mileage may vary but i thought it was a very well executed take on open-worldiness

there is a clip floating around where Maher says a similar thing in the 90s about a female teacher having sex with a male teen (remember when that happened all the time in the 90s?). He doesn't see it as pedophilia, just two people in love. He may have been proto-trolling, but it still reads as tone deaf and none of

Same goes for About Time, which is of that icky "Love Actually" brand of manipulative, creepy romance.

Both The Duke of Burgundy and The Handmaiden are good unconventional non-hetero romance films from the last few years. Also both beautifully shot. Handmaiden is male-gazey at times but the romance aspect still works quite well.

It Happened One Night is great. Also noteworthy because it takes place in a time when couples slept on individual twin beds, and someone uses an auto-gyro

'member Rainbow Butt Monkeys?

Do you guys remember when they were called Rainbow Butt Monkeys?

I am reminded of when I saw Borat in the theatres. It was a hilarious laff-riot, everyone had a great time.

its probably because he is generally declared as the "most popular youtuber". It makes sense to scrutinize the guy with the biggest audience, especially when they are making tone-deaf ironic racist jokes

Yes I agree. Very well put.

Well to be fair, his job is yelling while playing video games. I forgive Old Media (or anyone) for not understanding why that is appealing

Difficult situation: I'd like to see the PewDiePie video for context but I would rather not watch a PewDiePie video

Now it appears that Bannon is the new First Kid!