
Gotta throw in the odd album or two that will keep people arguing in the comments, gettin them sweet sweet clicks.

Person says thing, thing not actually that offensive, other people tear person to shreds, people move on to next "issue"

she got famous from that standup reality show? i guess that makes her not a real comedian?

Haven't they always been sensitive pussies? I just think now that Trump is in office, the comedy from the left is quite a bit more aggressive and vitriolic than it was during the relatively halcyon days of Bush. The right is playing the victim card when they can to score points where they can. Probably the only time

Ah the old Helen Lovejoy defense ("won't somebody think of the children?!?!?")

Jokes not aging well aside, Family Matters in its prime had some perfectly constructed 90s sitcom episodes. Example: The episode where Carl and Urkel get caught on the train at Christmas

I am not the only one that thinks that Dwayne Johnson can't land a joke, charming as he may be (and he is charming). He is not a comedian, nor has ever been, and yet people are fine with him leading a comedy like this. His main comedy credentials is what? The Tooth Fairy?

yes from the trailer you could tell that it was mostly dudes making jokes and the whole movie is about them. and the jokes are either them burning each other by telling each other what they look like or just saying something about a penis/boob or engaging in light homophobia.

would watch

yes great documentary. also Werner's questioning the penguin expert about penguin homosexuality and that guy not knowing how to respond is a particularly memorable scene.

I'll synopsize it for you so you don't have to watch the video:

I take it back. I would listen to the Empty Nest album.

Can't we just let a thing be a thing, without making it a bunch of other things?

Same with the book YES MAN (pretty good, entertaining memoirish living-life-as-stunt-for-a-year book) and the movie (pretty mediocre late period Jim Carrey movie). Not much is retained from the book and the movie suffers for it, but the general idea is there.

Games today:

Hey this guy gets it!

it is very good. played it with four people and it is exactly what multiplayer games should be

yes it doesn't rain in the death mountain area at all, which is a nice relief.

i went through a patch last week where it felt like it was constantly raining. the last few days it has barely rained at all. i wonder how complex their weather system is, and does it work like ours or is it just random

high scores, might also be a unconscious attempt to prevent angry gamer rage, which unfortunately is all too prevalent nowadays