
yes, i think this is a good distillation of what works with a season SNL comedian vs Baldwin's a-bit-on-the-nose Trump

Anyone had a Totino pizza roll? SNL's product placement deal is working, I kinda wanna try em

i feel like when the left talks of itself preaching to the converted, its cautionary. there's a self-awareness there.

I watched Seth Meyers the other day, he just played a clip of something trump said, and they audience laughed as if a joke was told. People talk about how we are in a post-satire era (i don't know how true that is) and it is a golden age for political comedians, but it actually seems like they don't have to put in

Oooooh how are they going to shoehorn John Madden into a Trump sketch?

Does anyone play Triforce Heroes anymore? That was a very promising game that seems to have fallen off, general-internet-interest-wise. It is tough playing with people you can't talk to, who are either too aggressive or two dumb and make the experience unenjoyable. there were some decent puzzles though.

the anime boobs were a nice surprise. the violence was horrifying to childhood me, especially the part when that one guy gets shot to death protecting the old-man-looking kid at the beginning. also when Tetsuo turns into a fleshblob monster, that was also a bit traumatizing. I did instantly love that movie though,

You don't have to be dumb to not know the difference, just indifferent enough to not know the difference.

there already was a punch Anita Sarkeesian game, with predictably worse production values. The other two probably exist.

hey yeah thats the same with me. i feel like DK64 broke me. I didn't even finish it because it was too much of a slog. in fact, my save game is saved at the point where you can play the original DK arcade game, as the most fun i had playing DK64 was playing the Donkey Kong arcade game hidden inside.

well i didn't listen to the entire thing, just judged it on the first third of the movie before turning it off. jokes might have gotten better but they didn't start off strong on the ones i listened to. might give it a second go

more like: Okay job internet!

yeah that was when i immediately unfollowed. like, if the song came with its own dance, don't disrespect that dance

yes. most people like watery beer as well.

yeah. ironically, it was actually meant to be ironic

Somewhat related: what do people think of Rifftracks? I downloaded a couple and couldn't get into them? Felt like Youtuber-playing-video-games quality of jokes. Then again haven't seen MST3K for a while so maybe those don't hold up either.


Water temple was perfectly fine. I thought there were some far more confusing Majora's Mask temples but that is just me

yeah that's how i read it. I choose to believe not everyone working in the Trump Administration is an idiot, because that makes reality even scarier!

ah well i was unaware. i thought it was just twitter and that was kind of nice to just be an anonymous twitter account. regardless i wish him the best of luck!