
kids also still love Vine, they didn't get the memo that vine is dead

eh i feel like what makes dril work so much is the mystery of not knowing who he is coupled with the singular output stream of Twitter. Seems like he is kinda buying into his own "hype" a bit, i feel like the dril brand will be soiled by this

yeah that was the scene that made me question the whole twist ending of that movie. In order for the movie to make sense, he wouldn't have had any conversations with anyone but the kid or done anything that he normally would have done as a child psychologist. and what about the paperwork his job entails? did he have

well i think the point MBR was trying to make was things like this don't help public perception of mental illnesses like the ones portrayed in this.

my nieces were very excited about the wii u THIS YEAR, probably due to the fact that they didn't know a Switch was coming and wouldn't care if they did know…. they just really really wanted Nintendoland

that said, I am VERY excited for this system and the possibilities it will bring. i'm more optimistic than most about Nintendo but remain skeptical about third parties getting on board en masse

"dreaming about all the weird games Nintendo and other imaginative developers might conjure up"

Nassseeeeem Pedraa-a-a-a-a-a-ad

Apparently there are 7 (!) films featuring All Star, including Mystery Men, Shrek and Rat Race.

An asshole scream is a fart.

I saw it.

seeing it in 3D darkened and blurred the whole thing just enough to fool most people who didn't know he was CGI. Even if you knew, the darkened 3D picture sold the CGI Tarkin quite well.

to be outraged about outrage. that's just too much outrage to handle!

I actually think the previous article about this topic covered it better than I ever could.


i was using the term "outrage culture" as a simple signifier, as i don't think there is a better word for this in our current social lexicon but i think at least people know what you are talking about when you use it. i welcome a better word for it, it is a bit of a sloppy term but i do think that something like it

well i don't know that's pretty much up to the person. as for you, you are free to feel however you want. i was pointing to a variety of reasons, and it was all speculation on my part, while pointing to a general misogyny she is a victim of as something that we shouldn't forget. that's not from everyone of course.

But ironically the only people who would be offended by it would be her listeners, people who are in fact "woke", and thus might miss the subtle humour in her joke because it represents punching down towards abortion-havers. Anyone else probably aren't offended but i am sure some people are happy to act offended

Also wasn't this idea kind of explored in the very first episode of Girls, this aloof attitude towards abortion? Aren't we aware of the subtleties of Dunham's humour at this point?

yeah see that's a detail that is left out of that story!