
I think it has something to do with a very special kind of misogyny. One that stems from general hatred for vocal women, but also people are fucked up about her nudity given that her body doesn't align with what those people want to see (trying to figure out the best way to phrase that, i don't know if thats the best).

Is this canon?

My opinion is that this video does not actually make any real sense because the concept of a passable movie is a value judgement on its quality. That's subjective so can't really be presented in the way he presents it. He is pretty much saying "some movies are good some are bad, most are okay". That's the thesis i

this game looks like it should cost $5. they could triple the people playing it with that kinda price. ten seems steep

but they may have well said "i sure hope the empire doesn't strike back!"

yeah i couldn't figure out why he didn't kill that guy (aside from the fact that he was hanging out with his daughter for most of the movie up to that point). They could have made that change of heart a little clearer

lest we forget he laid many younglings to waste in his younger and more vulnerable years

they didn't really, not that I noticed at least. one of the worst culprits in my eyes was Spy, which had some good action scenes in it and some good jokes overall but wayyyyyyy too much improv. That movie was egregious because you could tell it was settling into the improv zone when it went from dynamic camerawork to

it had less sterile, context-free improv than i expected! gotta love a good gag about how the person the character is looking at looks like a specific pop culture reference!

I saw dis movie. SPOILER ALERT: he does not kill himself. The ending is indeed grim but in a way you would not expect. Seriously you will not see that final shot coming.

Haven't seen the movie but heard the soundtrack and I am very into it (except not a huge fan of the John Legend song). After listening to the music I can imagine what the movie is like and I am excited about it. Also Whiplash was such a great movie, so good at harnessing tension and releasing it.

i'd be interested to hear your opinions about the David Bowie musical "Lazarus". It's got a guy who sounds just like Bowie singing on it, and also some other people who are much more conventional Broadway singers, doing Bowie tunes, which sounds very out of place but is still kinda fun to listen to because they are so

i'd be interested to hear your opinions about the David Bowie musical "Lazarus". It's got a guy who sounds just like Bowie singing on it, and also some other people who are much more conventional Broadway singers, doing Bowie tunes, which sounds very out of place but is still kinda fun to listen to because they are so

i'd be interested to hear your opinions about the David Bowie musical "Lazarus". It's got a guy who sounds just like Bowie singing on it, and also some other people who are much more conventional Broadway singers, doing Bowie tunes, which sounds very out of place but is still kinda fun to listen to because they are so

i'd be interested to hear your opinions about the David Bowie musical "Lazarus". It's got a guy who sounds just like Bowie singing on it, and also some other people who are much more conventional Broadway singers, doing Bowie tunes, which sounds very out of place but is still kinda fun to listen to because they are so

i'd be interested to hear your opinions about the David Bowie musical "Lazarus". It's got a guy who sounds just like Bowie singing on it, and also some other people who are much more conventional Broadway singers, doing Bowie tunes, which sounds very out of place but is still kinda fun to listen to because they are so

i'd be interested to hear your opinions about the David Bowie musical "Lazarus". It's got a guy who sounds just like Bowie singing on it, and also some other people who are much more conventional Broadway singers, doing Bowie tunes, which sounds very out of place but is still kinda fun to listen to because they are so

Yes the Member Berries in South Park was an apt metaphor for needing to relive the pop culture things we liked over and over. We are now set to relive the sequel overload 1980s, where every year there is a sequel to whatever the big hit franchise of the moment is. At least Marvel Superhero Film #43 is still a bit

it was a good monster movie, did good by Godzilla in ways the 1998 film couldn't. Storytelling was all over the place in that movie however, sounds like this movie suffers from the same problems, vague characters with vague motivations

Would watch. C-3PO is also bald-ish, not unlike Kurtz in Apocalypse Now