
After beating Pokemon Blue in my early teens I took a break from Pokemon (aside from side games like Pokemon Snap or the various 3DS puzzle games) until X/Y. I abandoned Y after 30 hours due to there being too many Pokemon to catch, I just burned myself out trying to "catch 'em all". Got this game based on good

I made a similar comment. I am from Canada. I think it has a lot to do with Johnstone's sphere of influence (clearly more European/Commonwealth Johnstonians), but also the tendency for Americans to see their ways as the default (I am generalizing wildly here).

RE: the article itself, I was struck by the line in the paragraph about Impro: "Given how much of modern improv philosophy is derived from Close’s teachings, Johnstone’s book feels kind of like stumbling onto a complete symphony, written by someone who’d never heard Mozart or Bach." I have been doing improv in Canada

But didn't Mr. Rock once offer up as a solution to all the world's problems to "get in the pit and try to love someone". Why has he fallen away from his mantra promoting understanding and unity?


hey now now the Trump boys have done some pretty badass hunting. Google it up!

Ooooh this reminds me I still have Strange Magic in my Netflix queue!

If you google Dumbfuckistan you will see literally dozens of memes of the same joke with the two reversed.

I mean… yeah. Are you bringing that up because you are pro-Trump yourself, or are you just generally self-righteous?

Nothing is more badass and cool than this 70 year old billionaire

agreed. there are just too many characters. Avengers, while I am not the biggest fan, is at least entertaining because all the characters are classic and we know what's up. If you aren't a comic fan, at least they give you a pretty good idea of each character's stakes right off the top. the whole things just works

Oooh ooh Cyper Raige and Cleveland Heep, both from M. Night Shyamalan movies

that's a GREAT bad character name.

Oooh cite examples. As much as I hate reading characters with dumb names, I still kinda like knowing what the dumb names are

Hopefully nobody ever calls anything a dossier cut ever again


no that makes a lot of sense. Let's rejoice in our mutual pettiness.

that's my red flag for knowing when I am not going to like the rest of a book I am reading, if the character has a really dumb sounding name no one would ever have, or if they have a dumb nickname so we know which characters are their relatives or friends based on how they casually call their friend that shortened

yes that was very funny. lots of LOLs in that movie for me (unintentional of course), but that took the cake.

I think we can easily agree that after Suicide Squad, Xmen Apocalypse, Batman vs Superman, and probably three or four others this year (too many superhero movies IMO) it's hard to make a superhero movie featuring more than one protagonist.