
I can't tell what you are talking about when you are referring to Suicide Squad. It was actually both. Lots of stupid decisions and also wasn't really trying to do anything interesting or new.

Crackle also produced Joe Dirt 2, Netflix-style.

Crackle is the best place to watch any Lake Placid film you want (except for the first one)

also when the idea of the monomyth was originated, death was more of a constant threat for everyone, in real life and storytelling. so the idea of a character's destiny was actually most likely death and a satisfying change was made through death (we learn something because the character died)

yes the monomyth doesn't actually work for every story… and while Harmon did us all a favour by breaking it down into something a bit more relatable, it won't solve every story problem. buying into the monomyth as gospel is a rookie mistake! ROOKIE MISTAKE!

i am not anti-otherkin, i just think its a bit much to compare furry rights to trans rights (of which i have read more than one screed)

hey man some "otherkin" (furries essentially, although correct me if i am wrong) are fighting for their kind to be tagged onto the LGBTQ acronym. Not all otherkin, mind you (otherkin aren't a monolith after all).

haha hey yeah but maybe they secretly like it because they are cucks! cucks gotta cuck!

using SJW as an insult works from their perspective similar to how just saying "safe space" "triggered" or any of those other buzzwords counts as a joke to that group. It really just is their attempt at shitty satire. "How ironic it is that we would use such terms ha ha ho ho anyway we are so intellectually superior!"

The most Zappa-y song is definitely Weird Al's "Genius in France". It almost does Zappa better than Zappa

this has so much truth to it, sadly

Haven't we been through this already with Archie Return To Riverdale?

Yes I have met some annoying as fuck 10 year olds in my day.

Damn your EYES what could you be referring to?

actually there is no probably there. it was a disaster in execution

honestly probably some of SNL's NBC/GE corporate overlords with Trump connections. Probably looked better on paper than it did in execution.

i'm definitely on your side here, but i think "understanding" IS the most important thing. We HAVE to understand them so we get why they act they way they do, why they believe what they do, what caused this election to happen. the fact that they don't WANT to understand BLM, muslims, etc. is important and decoding

ya burnt


i am nearing 130 hours on it (trying to get the most out of it by at least 100%ing the discovery of all the continents), and this game just refuses to get boring. There is always something to do, the dialogue is often funny and bizarre (in a good way) and flying around in a robot still is very enjoyable. I know some