
yes I got a Hori battle pad (gold legend of zelda version, natch) and it is pretty much identical to a gamecube controller in terms of build quality, plus the cord is long (plus it has turbo for those of you that use that relatively useless function). I recommend (for Wii, Wii U and NES mini useage)!

yes long cords suggest to me that there may be some yanking of cords and pulling the tiny, super-light NES mini off of a TV stand and onto the ground many times over. Having it be so close forces you to consider its safety. Plus its easier to reach to reset. Still seems awkward to set up given that most USB cords

yes the camera and controls were frustrating (tank like controls for a human character are always annoying) but damn if it wasn't cool playing through the star wars universe in a 3d environment with cool music, decent graphics and a great Hoth level.

OH RIGHT i forgot about the Jenner catchphrase.

a strange experience, that game. while playing it, it was easy to appreciate how fun it was while at the same time constantly being aware of its many many flaws.

Can someone explain to me the following:

ah yes i forgot about Space Pants already. That sketch was in the category of "hated at the start, loved it at the end", similar to David S. Pumpkins

Michael Jai White follows me on Twitter for some reason. I don't know if that is a brag or not.

on the same token, Weird Al's "Trigger Happy" from Off the Deep End is less hilarious now because there is so much truth to it (in regards to the gun obsessed state of America)

also looking back on his work, some of his songs feel more relevant than ever. Holy Wood is a bit longer than it should be but it really speaks about a part of America that seems more prominent (or vocal for that matter) than ever. The "do you love your Gods Guns and Government" sentiments in the songs really feel

i am hoping they drop more of these weird flamboyantly orange robot characters, and then they form some sort of super group

sometimes i look at my own existence that way since i got the original NES as a wee wee child. if anything it is just a demonstration of my mixed up priorities

yeah its like a portable console with twice as many nintendo games

internet nerds have done the math, its about as wide as a 3DS XL if you take the "joy-cons" off. My 3DSXL has (awkwardly but proudly) fit in my pants pockets on more than one occasion. It definitely fits in my jacket pockets.

if only real existence worked that way, where you came back as a ghostly Bob-Omb on wheels when you died

yes… most people look at this from a western perspective, whereas typically Nintendo operates from a Japan-first perspective. The Wii U wasn't a complete disaster in that country (the Xbox One was, however). Think about it: homes in Japan aren't as huge as their western counterparts, so the range of the Wii U gamepad

i agree, and yet i also feel this all comes down to a chicken and the egg scenario. is it that women won't want to submit shows because they feel like there is no place for them there, or that there is no place for them there because women don't submit shows? i know women that love Adult Swim shows.

similarly, all Hilary Clinton has to do is run clips of Trump speaking as campaign ads

The only exception seems to be if they are from Melmac and eat cats

yeah its not the fact that repeating the joke is funny, its that it is sad it can be applied so many times to so many different election cycles.