
yes, the definition seems to have changed as (I don't know what the best term for this is) "Outrage culture" has become more prominent. It doesn't carry the same political weight as it used to. It has mutated. It doesn't even mean physical space anymore. In its worst modern incarnation, it is an insular tumblr page

yeah do research and get an android that works for you. I have a Note 4. I like how big it is, how fast it is (even now its plenty fast), it has the little pen thing which i use more than I thought I would.

yes. yes i am.

ah ah ah…. i believe the word you are looking for is "courage"

World is superior because of its balance of economy and scope. The game feels huge and epic, but it also feels cohesive and restrained. Like, they cracked the code on how to perfect a Mario game. Also the Star World and THEN the secret world. It just kept getting better!

yes, often people shit on The Game because they think its a PUA manual, having never read it. I don't defend what he did but do admit it was a well-written, engaging read, I'll tell ya whut.

bought it at work. if Nintendo's online eshop store was better designed I would have bought so many more games on impulse. It took me more than 5 minutes to find it online, they are lucky I was so dedicated to buying a $40 Picross game (i'm in Canada)

Hopefully the extra 15 minutes are improvised jokes where one character tells the other one what weird thing they look like

based on what i have read, it seems as though this movie was only barely directed

oh right. i haven't even been following anything about Justice League, I thought that was 2018. But thanks for the correction. Proves my point even more.

2016-2017 will see the release of Batman V Superman, The Killing Joke, Suicide Squad, Return of the Caped Crusader and Lego Batman.

my first CD was the Wayne's World soundtrack, which also helped propel Bohemian Rhapsody to #1 (for the second time).

I think the writing on the website itself is pretty good, and this article makes some valid points that a lot of people in this comment section are missing by a mile. But the comments have definitely quickly went from my favorite on the internet to scary "Reddit-hive mind" as you say. Birth.Movies.Death seems to have

it was! it was!!!! there were multiple softcore gay porn movies from that same company on netflix and they all were shot in the same house, by the same director.

What happened to the funny, insightful comments this website usually gets? There ain't nothing in this comment section. I thought I might have accidentally stumbled onto Reddit for a second.

yes there is a rap scene in that that is particularly magical

Prediction: the movie will actually be pretty okay. Lots of cool ghostbusting scenes, some great comedic camaraderie. Not as bad as nerds want it to be. Grounded character moments will be brief and lacking intended impact, there will be a few funny comedic set pieces but not nearly enough to justify the film's length.

I can't get past the fact that Fox is wearing a tank top for so much of it. Just seems weird.

It was irritating how bland and cliche'd it was. Blandly handsome leading character and his obnoxious curly haired fat friend ogle bikini babes at a swimming pool. Couldn't be more uninteresting if it tried. it had a huge roster of talented SNL performers, all of them playing background characters to a charmless duo

Jackass 3D was definitely a film that made excellent use of 3D technology, no joke. The way the 3D improved certain sequences (often in conjunction with sweet slo-mo) often made the stunts funnier or more disgusting (the slo-mo 3D photography in the bungie port-a-potty was particularly memorable for its innovative use