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    Wow, i totally didn't know Children of the Revolution was a T-Rex song, I thought some band was covering the Violent Femmes.

    Somebody insulted the president! It hurts my feelings and now I want to lash out! Where's my safe space?!

    Having seen the whole season, I think Mickey is the worse one, but in my younger days, when I dated messed up women, I was the Gus. Hopefully I've improved, but marrying a stable woman helped temper my behaviors.

    I enjoyed it well enough. I like the 50s style atmosphere. If I were an American, and had ever heard of Fusion, I'd watch it.

    I prefer to think of the president as a burlap sack full of wet leaves.

    A perfect present for a uniter.

    I used to love him so much back in the day, and he hasn't made me laugh in near 20 years. I still think I like him for some reason, and 20 minutes of this special was enough to change my mind. No more Carvey for me.

    Aren't the cast having contract disputes by now? I must have missed it.

    Fascinating stuff. I was ten in '85, and had no interest in any of this, though lots of other kids were Of all the movies listed, the Goonies was the only one I even saw, to this day. Not because they were forbidden, I simply had zero interest. Comedies, fantasies, sexy movies, I liked them all, but dudes fighting

    Geez, my eyes are bad. When I clicked the link, I thought it said 'I am a cat.' I was intrigued.

    Midnight Madness was the first live-action movie I ever saw in a theatre, and second overall (I'd seen Pinocchio before that). As a result, certain images of the movie became etched in my 5-year-old brain. Mainly the melons thing, but also the water hose in the climax.

    Calvin & Hobbes. I loved it as a kid, but as an adult, a good Sunday strip can just destroy me emotionally.

    As someone who was quite into Orbital back in the day… InSides was good, but was them leaving the peak of the mountain. The first two albums are good, that second one may be great, but the best is the third one, Snivilisation.

    Doesn't it make sense to be scared of being sodomised in (American) prison? Have I merely fallen prey to the stereotypes of Oz and Animal Factory?

    1. Lea Thompson. My favourite thing in the 80's.

    I really loved this episode and the last. I'd give this episode an A, and episode 3 an A+.

    I see it more as if people called iPhones Apples. "Apples sure are ubiquitous these days!"

    Gah, it's true. I just hate that full capitalisation!

    If you were a true fan, you wouldn't pluralise Lego. When will the muggle world get that right?

    That wasn't very good, was it.