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    Maybe I will go out of my way for this.

    That letter is upside down! Unless the "My dearest wife…" is the important part.

    If you think Soft Cell was a one hit wonder, then obviously you've never heard their song Sex Dwarf.

    Friday night! I'm in Asia :)

    Already finished it. I loved it. It's not super-deep, but not tripe. It's that perfect balance of respectability and fun.

    That is completely not how no-prizes worked.

    It was a great episode but I was wondering why he simply didn't add her on Facebook or Line. I never get people's numbers to contact them.

    Check the page now. Some bot is spamming it with the same message over and over about Obama's power grab harming the economy. I bet every spammed message carries equal weight to every genuine comment rightfully appalled by the FCC's plans.

    I'll have to give it a read again. It's a perennial, and I like series 1 & 2 on the whole, but that splash page always struck me as a non-American gleefully indulging the worst stupidity in U.S. culture. Better that he made it than didn't, I guess. It started conversations, which few comics do.

    I loved Ultimates… until that This A doesn't stand for France! part. I like Captain America (as a non-American) and like that he stands for the ideals of America, not for the state. And that line was as if Millar was making Cap a hillbilly Bush voter. Shortly after in Brubaker's excellent run, Cap praised the

    I'm more likely to lie that I hadn't read Da Vinci Code if I had, than that I had if I hadn't. I read Angels & Demons, it wasn't a good experience, and shame on me if I ever went back to that well.

    I wanted to write something, but then I read the comments here and got bummed out. I'm usually pretty neutral on the comments here, but this one is a downer.

    Spencer's Captain America (both Sam and Steve) have been the best books from Marvel on the stands.. Admittedly, a lot of their books are an effort to merely browse. But in the last two years, I've been reading these as they come out. Both are tackling current issues, which most books avoid. As a result, they are

    Laughed out loud at "the Algonquin Roundtable of our age" and scrolled back up. Sure enough, Sean O'Neal.

    I was exactly the wrong age to enjoy the Matrix. At age 23, finishing up history and philosophy studies in uni. The hype sounded like total garbage, "What if everything we knew wasn't real?!" and black trench coats and kung fu. The movie wanted to take philosophy and make it sci-fi, and was a real let down when

    A lot of these firings for being "un-PC" are reasonable to me, but in this case, I highly doubt Varner is anti-trans, and he seemed to know that moment that he'd crossed a line. Not even Zeke is asking for his lynching.

    This movie was so middling, I doubt most will even remember it exists. Air America, with Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr. The theater was so empty, the movie so 'Good Morning Vietnam' wannabe bland, my fiends and I were goofing in the aisles. As a result, the movie exemplified a kind of Hollywood dullness that I

    But it's so awesome! I've seen it a dozen times, and it still delights. Not on purpose, but how often does an Ed Wood level masterpiece arrive?

    Syaf is stating "no more hate" in English, but not so much in Indonesian:
    “But Marvel is owned by Disney. When Jews are offended, there is no mercy.”

    …they're the ones destroying her soul